Last night Mark and I were going through a baby name book trying to agree on even one name for the next little Watson. So as we were scanning the “M’s” we came across the meaning for McKenna:
McKenna- daughter of the handsome man
Well this was all my husband (the man who gives himself a pat on the back for changing a diaper) needed to feed his ego. It’s been more than 12 hours and I am still hearing about it… “McKenna, come see your handsome Daddy, Parker, you are the son of a handsome man etc, etc, etc.” The comments go on and on (insert eye roll here).
In all seriousness though, Mark is a phenomenal daddy. My kids truly could not have anyone better. He has become a more wonderful dad to our children than I could have ever imagined. We have made it through the most awful thing a parent should ever go through and his strength and support have carried me through it all. Not many people can say that their marriage was stronger after suffering the loss of a child but ours is and it is because of his continued love and support of me through the good times and bad. He is truly a hands-on father and I know there are million things he does now that he would have never imagined himself doing doing a few short years ago. How his life has completely changed, but I know he loves and appreciates every minute. I can’t wait to bring one more little Watson to this “handsome” Daddy. We love you!
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"kenzie" has the same meaning, btw… which is on our list because my husband IS from Scotland.;-)
hahahahahahaI found you on a google search because I found the very same name and definition over the weekend and told my husband… i was looking for it again.I suspect naming our wee girl is going to be quite tough as well…