We are really stuck on names this time around so would love some ideas. Mark and I can’t seem to agree on any. I like names that are a little bit different but not too out there and Mark, well he likes the same names he liked when I was pregnant with the triplets that I still don’t like. So help us, send comments with names… thanks!
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Email swistle from Swistle baby names at Swistle@gmail.comCheck out her website at swistlebabynames.blogspot.com – she's a great helper!
Heard the name Emma yesterday and thought of you. Thought Emma Watson had a nice ring to it! Hope to see you soon!
Okay, Nana coming in on the name thing, I've read the posts and I like:Girls – Brynn (my favorite), Riley, Elise, and if I pick Caroline you'll think I'm biased.Boys – Landon, Jordan, Bennett, RileyYou know I will love any name you guys pick, one more grandchild to LOVE!
I love these names…boys:WilliamReed (or Reid)BrooksRobertWilder(ok, the southern gal is coming out….)LilaScarlettIvyChloeCarolineMary Elizabeth
OK, since you don't know what you're having, I'll have to come up with names for either or both. Here are a few:Dylan (for a boy or a girl)Jordan (also for either)Hudson (boy)Bennett (boy)Riley (can be for either but I prefer it for a girl)Spencer (boy)Cameron (boy or girl)Nathan (boy)Elise (girl)Griffin (boy – I love this name but my wife wasn't really feeling it)Shane (boy or girl)OK, just throwing a few suggestions out there… Names are so hard.
Hi Steph- How are you? You have to join us on our fb group, we miss you! We don't know what we are having, it will be a surprise this time.
Do you know what you are having?
i like different names too some of my choices for girls that were high on my list that my husband wouldn't agree on wereMakenna and Brynn for girls oh and i also like Logan for a girl. and for a boy i really like Landon.
I had BGB trips and I named my daughter Zoe Isabella but if I would have had another girl I would have named her McKenna Erynn or Makena Erynn. If you have been to Maui, Makena is a beautiful area that is one of the reasons I like the name so much.