Boy I went from a post a day to nothing, huh?
Luckily my month of pictures ended Sunday because that is when my mommy marathon of no one napping at the same time began again. It is Thursday afternoon and this is the first time I have had a chance to sit at the computer for more than a minute all week.
Before I distract anyone with pictures I need sleep help. My little Sawyer is totally against sleeping. For the most part I have created my own problem because it is SO hard to get him to fall asleep on his own when little people are climbing my leg as I am trying to put him quietly in his room and I cannot let him cry it out. For some reason the kids can sleep through each other wailing 5 feet from their crib but cannot sleep through Sawyer crying down the hall. So a crying Sawyer makes for no napping or night-waking two year-olds and MUCH less sleep for us.
Anyway, with that long explanation, I need a good sleep program or book that does not involve crying it out. I followed “Healthy Sleep, Happy Child” (or whatever that is called) to the letter with the bigger kids and they are great sleepers. I’m afraid I am creating a monster here. A cute, sweet little monster but definitely one who is not interested in sleep.
Since we are on the subject of things I need I’m looking for recommendations on some kind of climbing/jumping/sliding, safe for two-year-olds, contraption that we can keep in the house. Oh and an organic, free of all the junk, kids soap/shampoo that smells good. So far everything we have used has no scent and I miss that baby shampoo smell (although I’m sure that is where all the chemicals come in).
I think that’s it, on to the pics…
I don’t know why, I just love this picture. They were sharing water with two straws which was a big hit, and shortly thereafter a huge disaster…
Look at my perfect little children smiling while cleaning the flood they had just created.
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oooh we love Obsessively Natural Kids shampoo and conditioner from Kiss my Face…the Orange-u-smart smells AMAZING…it has no artifical colors, or fragrances..completely chemical-free and makes the hair so soft too!Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting!Mindy
I'm your newest follower, I found you through Friday follow! Only it's Sunday now! Do I still count? I hope you will come check my blog out as well! My daughter didn't sleep well until she was 12 months, then we did a version of the "Sleep Easy Solution"- it wasnt easy. But it did work within two days:)Have a great weekend!Shannon
Hi Jessica, we have this climber…… kids really like it. We use it indoors. It sits in the middle of our great room!
I wish I could help you on the sleeping problem. It is always such a struggle to get my two asleep.Love the pictures!
Thanks for coming to visit me! So glad you like my blog!Beautiful pics…. and nice sharing…. (Even if the ending was tragic!) Becoming a "follower" ….. have an awesome weekend!
So cute! I wish I could give you advice on the sleeping thing… My bigs both slept at 8 weeks, Z didn't sleep until 6 months- and S… well- we've had two days of sleep, but I'm not holding my breath. The one good thing though is in this noisy place you have to sleep through anything or you don't survive! I love the pics BTW- that first one is just precious! Like you captured a special moment!!!Hugs-L
Hi, I'm your newest Friday follower! Okay, I guess really a Saturday follower. :)Come visit me at -Maria/
I found you through Friday Follow! Great blog, I'm now a Google Friend Connect Follower! :)Visiting from My Kids Are Fun!
A day late, but now following you! Happy Follow Friday! If you get a chance make sure you check out all 17 of my giveaways!
Happy Friday FollowFollowing From…http://bizzimommi.blogspot.comHope You'll Stop By
Oh how I remember the sleepless days and nights! I have twin boys who are now 13 and an older daughter who is sixteen. Mostly they could all sleep thru a bomb in the house but they all stopped napping at 2yo – a tragedy.Love your blog and pictures – you've been blessed.