I know this is supposed to be Wordless Wednesday but I have to explain this one before my husband sees it and I have to take it down… I was trying to get a better picture of McKenna’s new braces, which she is doing GREAT with by the way, and ended up getting this cute shot. It wasn’t until I was editing it that I realized Parker was wearing my heels. He has been wearing them ALL the time. In his defense, I don’t think it is so much the heels he likes it is the obnoxious sound they make each and every time they hit the wood floor.
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What a great picture! Love it!
I LOVE this picture!
I read your posts and think "She must be my friend!" I love everything about your blog – your pictures, your realism, your sense of humor! You captivate me!Bethanyhttp://musingsofmunchkinland.blogspot.com/
I love wordless wednesdays ..great pics..I am in Bloomfield Michigan..just outside of Detroit. Where the heck are you from..Michigan..grand rapids maybe..please let me knowHeather
Ha! That is great!
That is just too funny, Parker in the heels!
I'm sure he is just trying to beef up his calves… 🙂
What precious pictures…and he looks GREAT in heels!