Wordless Wednesday- My Little Helper By Jessica If you liked this post stop by my facebook page for more.If you liked this post stop by my facebook page for more. Comments commentsPowered by Facebook Comments
m&msmommy says September 22, 2010 at 11:16 am SOOO sweet! I'm apprehensive about letting my 4 year old feed my 8 month old. Although I'm sure he would LOVE it, I don't know how much I'd love the mess! 🙂 Great pic! Reply
Sarah Halstead says September 22, 2010 at 10:54 am This is so cute! I can't wait for Dustyn to help with feeding Carsyn. Love it! Reply
SOOO sweet! I'm apprehensive about letting my 4 year old feed my 8 month old. Although I'm sure he would LOVE it, I don't know how much I'd love the mess! 🙂 Great pic!
This is so cute! I can't wait for Dustyn to help with feeding Carsyn. Love it!