While cleaning up a mess worthy of a second shower for me and a bath for the rest of the crew, Parker looked over my shoulder out the window…
“Look Mommy the sun is coming up.”
Awww, nothing like a child to make you stop and smile even while trying not to gag.
“It is Parker, isn’t it pretty?”
“Yes. Daddy put the sun up for us. Daddy took down the moon and put up the sun.”
Yes Parker, Mommy is on my knees putting your poo where it belongs but Daddy took down the moon and hung the sun for you.
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Elaine says
Well of course he did! HA!
Love the photos, so sweet… 🙂
Runnermom-jen says
Oh goodness, that is funny. And thank you for showing us the sun and not the poo 😉
JDaniel4's Mom says
Dad is the one who hangs the moon at my house too. JDaniel says it is because they know each other so well.
Stopping from Time Travel Tuesday.
By Word of Mouth Musings says
Those Daddy’s – always the good guy, the fun guy, the party guy! But at least he goes off to work and I get to stay home (altho some days I would trade!)
Thanks for linking up to Time Travel Tuesday today, it really means a lot to have your support … and having a chance to read posts that have been and gone is like curling up with a favorite magazine!
Have a wonderful day!
MommyToTwoBoys says
Too cute! Same thing happens around here. I get to clean up throw up while they play games.
Chris P-M says
The photo sure is cute 🙂 I understand that frustration though… the same frustration of knowing that I will lay awake nights worrying about the kids, while my husband is fast asleep with nothing on his mind. What I wouldn't give for that peace of mind and the ability to go right to sleep at night. My hubby reminds me by saying "…but who do they GO to when they need comfort? You." Chris (another Spring Chicken) http://www.acrazykindoffaith.blogspot.com
Janet says
Why is it that Daddy always gets credit for the Sun the Moon and the Stars but Mommy doesn't get credit for anything???