I remember the moment my not-yet husband told me that his future wife would not be able to stay home with the kids.
He was a teacher at the time and financially it just would not work.
For as long as I could remember I had wanted to go to college and then work in special education but only until I had babies. Then my grand plan was to stay home just like my mom did (thanks Mom!).
I was blissfully ignorant and completely in love so I shrugged off his comment and told myself all would work out someday.
And it did.
The minute our children were born he changed his mind and I got my way.
So now, although my shifts do not actually ever end and there are times I wonder if this is what I signed up for, I would not change a thing.
Besides working hard to climb the public education ladder and putting in very long days for our happiness, I realize that my husband is missing out on a lot. There are a few aspects of Mommyhood that I would be perfectly happy to miss out on too but there are also a million others that are priceless. I decided to start capturing the good and the bad once a week or so in a letter to Daddy.
Here is our first entry:
Today we had our first playdate at our new friends’ house.
I don’t think they will be calling again any time soon.
Parker was so nice to the boys but he just could not stop opening all of their drawers and then he put the big kid’s toy in their fireplace and you know how sometimes he lets his chewed food fall right out of his mouth when he is full? He did that.
Next, Mommy thought McKenna had eaten her lunch really fast but she had not. She had actually stuffed that big peanut butter sandwich into a little tiny pretend bottle of nail polish. It was the little girl’s favorite. Mommy could not get it out. It is soaking in the other Mommy’s sink.
I really was not that good either, Daddy. I was sweet and smiley as always but the stairs just kept calling my name. The other Mommy had to get out the gates. They don’t use them anymore. She put them up and all of our new friends cried and cried.
We almost got out of there without anymore trouble but then McKenna fell. She cried and cried and Mommy held her. Lucky Mommy was holding her because she caught all the pee on her shirt and pants so that it did not get our new friends’ couch wet, only their floor. So now Mommy was all wet and so was McKenna and you know Kenna, she wanted new pants right NOW. The other Mommy tried to give her some pants but they were blue. Mommy put us in the car while McKenna yelled “don’t want the blue pants” over and over on the porch for all the neighbors to hear.
It was fun but we are all glad it is over, especially Mommy.
She is drinking while I type.
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Love this idea. I agree that the Dad's miss out on a lot. I tend to try to call my husband and fill him in on the funny (and not so funny) things that happen. I think I might try to start the letter idea.ps….I am glad that it is not just my kids with a color obsession. Although my kids would have taken the blue pants in a heartbeat as blue is their color of choice right now!!!