I swore I was going to devote any blogging time I had this weekend to my new site and would not be posting anything today BUT I have received emails, facebook messages and several face-to-face “you must tell me” ‘s over the question I posed yesterday so I decided to give everyone the answer today.
So these two lovely children…
Put all of these items that were unscrewed, unlatched or just generally stolen from various places of our home…
(Note: many of these objects are replacements for the actual object as they flushed before I could get to it and then proudly told me afterwards, or fessed up when I found an empty candleholder.)
If you got this answer correct you either:
a) have read my blog long enough to know what my children are capable of
b) have children similar to mine
If your answer is “b” I am happy for both of us that it is currently the weekend and drinking at any time of the day is perfectly acceptable.
I love that so many of you commented to let me know you are out there reading. If you left your blog address I am looking forward to stopping by to say hi. If you didn’t, comment again soon and leave it so I can visit. If you don’t have a blog, I’m honored that you take the time to stop here and read my words.
Off to finish my bottle of wine!!
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Coopicootiebutt says
Oh yea….forgot to leave a link. 🙂
Brynnie says
love the new site! we haven't had anything flushed yet…i'm sure those days will come. the rainbows are lovely!
jillsmo says
OMG that candle is enormous!! Did it actually go down the toilet?
jessica says
Ha, ha, ha, no a skinny candle did but they flushed it before I could get to
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