-So who is your Valentine? My mom asked my son, as he managed to sit still, for a moment, on her lap.
-Kenna. Parker responded, giving my mom a dose of his heart melting sweetness he balances so well with his over the top trouble-making abilities.
-Awww, she is? Parker you are so sweet. And who is your Valentine Ms. McKenna?
-Parker. My daughter answered, twirling in the latest of princess attire.
I treasure pictures, and moments like these, when their three year-old bond and love for each other shines.
Because there are days when it is not so shiny and they fight like the worst of Valentines and most importantly, because I know there will be a day in the not so distant future…
when a spit ball is at the end of one of these straws.
This post was written in response to prompt #4 in Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop:
Share a photo of your special Valentine(s).
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Rach says
My niece and nephew are like this. They are 13 months apart and they are always saying stuff like this that just gets to me. Soon they'll realize that they can't marry each other, but I hope they really will stay best friends (or at least be best friends again when they get older after getting through the teen years, haha) 🙂
Taming Insanity says
Oh, they're so sweet. The idea of having twins has always made me feel a bit inadequate (like I couldn't hack it) but this makes me sort of jealous.
Brooke says
The most adorable thing ever! I hope I have a boy one day 🙂
Elena @NaynaDub says
They are too cute sharing their drink! Love it!
Penelope says
Omg, that is so cute!
Debi6710 says
LOL, so true about the spitwad. Mine are still hairpulling. They've told me who the valentine's they created are for, and the names are on the back, but I'm not sure they understand that they're supposed to give them away.
d, the undomestic ho says
Aww..how cute! They are absolutely adorable little kids, and soo sweet.
TJ says
Jayme says
I love when my guys are sweet to each other… some days it's more fleeting than others 😉
Sarah Halstead says
What a wonderful post. So sweet.
Anonymous says
Such a sweet moment!
SnipeWife says
Sweet and Funny! Nice twist at the end for real perspective. stopping by from Mama Kat's…
TheKingandEye says
lol at the spitball, but oh so cute. My younger pair (16 months age gap) love each other so much, but a little bit of the fighting is starting to creep in at times. I enjoy that too, up a point, each trying to assert themselves and their individuality. Not looking forward to the spitballs though 😀 Jen
Ginnymarie says
What a sweet picture! And what a sweet memory for a few years down the road, when they're all grown up! (I hear it goes by fast….)
Miri says
Gorgeous! Sibling love is the best 🙂
Anonymous says
awww see I needed a girl to balance out the mix here..but nooo I got 3 boys.. although one is a ahem stud and has 4 girlfriends in school. Umm yeah..
jessica says
Oh my goodness, 3 boys? I have two and only one has hit the troublemaking stage, I can only image what your household is like. Next time you visit leave your blog address so I can come by and see you too!