There has been a lot going on here the last few days…
No One did this
and this
and this
and this.
Believe it or not, the ever-elusive No One did this too…
If you see No One, hide all crayons, markers and paint, do not let him near anything with hinges and return him to his mother…
I’ll let you know when I find her. In the meantime, here’s how I was able to get crayon out of all the things that No One touched.
1. Set iron to lowest heat setting.
2. Place a paper towel under and over area of clothing affected. Make sure you place the paper towel in between layers of clothing (inside a pantleg or separating the front and back of a shirt) so that the wax does not bleed through further.
3. Iron over the paper towel covering the fabric. As the crayon melts it will slowly be absorbed by the paper towel. This may pull up all of the crayon stain but if not continue to step #4.
4. Soak stained area with Lestoil, making sure that every crayon-stained area has a decent amount of Lestoil on it. Let the Lestoil soak into the fabric and then place in the washing machine.
5. Wash clothes in HOT water on highest wash setting. I also added Oxyclean powder to the load to help with the stain removal.
6. If stains are not completely gone after this load, apply stain spray directly to affected areas and wash one more time using hot water (you may want to do this anyway to remove the Lestoil smell).
I washed and dried an entire load of laundry with a green crayon and everything was covered. This method took out every bit of crayon from all types of clothing (jeans, sweaters, cotton shirts, etc.). Good luck!
If you’re looking for ways to remove permanent marker from things in your home, I’ve been there too. Here’s all my solutions for the permanent marker mess.
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Oh goodness GF, that's hilarious! And for the record? I have a "No one" at my house, too! Imagine that! 🙂
I knew that "No one" was in more than one place. Hopefully one of these days they grow out of it, although I have a feeling the trouble is just going to change in form.
Hehehehehe…Gotta keep an eye on No One. 🙂
No One seems to be too fast to keep an eye on lately, I can't even find the stuff he uses for his artwork. He has a secret stash somewhere, I just know it.
Hahahaha Thanks for sharing Jessica, that No One sure is cute!
Oh, mah goodness! That little cutie patootie looks like he has more thahis share of devil in him. What a doll. 🙂 Oooh, but, yeah. That marker thing is all kinds of wrong, dipped in oh hell no sauce. Good luck with that.
*than his
Thanks, I need all the luck I can get!
hehehe i love this!
No One reminds me of Eric 20+ years ago. He would color on anything and everything. I finally threw out every crayon, marker, and almost every pen and pencil in the house.
Lol I shouldn't laugh because that's certainly my future!
Hahaha! Love this!
Laughing. "No One" has been BUSY! Glad he's still alive. 🙂
In our house, he is known as "not me!"
I just can't believe that Sawyer would try and frame his big brother like that 🙂
Oh! Those days are my favorite! not really, no.
Kids mean…. never buying expensive furniture! Cuz it will all end up in crayon at some point!
Haha… Oh.. At least No One is pretty cute…
That's hilarious… other than the having to scrub out the crayon bit.
LOL I love it! I'll keep a keen eye for No One in these parts too. 🙂
Fortunately at my house, the No One who does these things always leaves his name behind. Oh yes….I have many "Ben"'s all over my walls, doors, his bed, etc. Not smart, kid, not smart.
Looks like No One was caught red handed- and blue headed!!!
lol-funny! that no one is busy! your walls and bureau look like some of mine-my 5 yr old was great at "decorating"
The 'no-one' in my house is a she and 2 years old…………..sorry but the last photos made me LOL, I should be more sympathetic 😀 Jen
You need a vacation.
LOL! No One is way too cute! 😉
WW: Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Princess Nagger Style
You have a no one and I have wasn't me and the ever elusive I don'tknow monster..
Ha! I think no one has been terrorizing mothers for years.
Tell me about it. I have 3 more mug shots to contribute to your collection. The consensus this week was that we need padlocks for the kid's wardrobes.
I just want to know who DID that to sweet, innocent, little Parker??? 😉
Ha ha! Too hilarious!!
I always liked Ida Know myself.
Hah. I recognize those marks as being similar to some that I created many years ago.
I'm pretty sure no one's buddy, not me lives at my house.
Ugh, good luck to us both!!
LOL those pics of dennis the menace aka Parker are awesome. Well maybe not for you but awesome none the less.