The obvious answer to this would be, because everything makes me cry.
I have to say though, choking up after watching my first flash mob scene on Oprah had me wondering what exactly my problem was and if, the fact that flash mobs make me cry means I am truly an emotional basket case.
Then, I watched the episode of Modern Family, the one where Mitchell participates in a flash mob for Cam, and found myself all choked up again. Maybe it was just the sweet gesture of love and the fact that I like the show so much that I actually stop blog-reading and writing long enough to watch it every Wednesday night.
But then, I watched the flash mob at Blissdom,
and for a minute I thought I was choked up because I had missed out on yet another blogging conference, but after seeing the faces of lots of amazing ladies whose words I have read or who have been gracious enough to read my own words, I figured it out.
It’s the unity.
The unity is what gets me every time.
A big group of people, all with possibly just that five minutes in common, joining together one after another, dancing the same dance.
This is what blogging has turned into for me, especially on risky days… days when I’m scared to hit “publish” because I have poured my heart out about feelings so raw that I rarely speak them aloud.
Those days? I look at the computer screen or check twitter and my email with one eye open and it never fails.
One by one, comments of support and understanding and virtual hugs come in.
A perfectly choreographed flash mob,
making me well up with tears every time.
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Theresa says
I was just watching a flash mob on Youtube, & got teary eyed. So I did a search online to see if others had the same problem…and here I am.
I now blame the web/Youtube for my condition ๐ I never had this problem before either, except at weddings. I also really never had access to witness (vicariously) such things before either. It can NOT be my fault LOL.
christine says
Flash mobs get me every time too! Except I never really thought about why and just assumed that it is because I too cry at almost everything. But I love your idea (and think I’m the same) that it is the unity of it all.
Andy says
This is the strangest thing. I had watched flash mobs before & started to tear up. & thought “that’s weird hmm…” then didn’t think any more of it. Today I stumbled across some more flash mobs & thought, “yeah I’ll watch a few” And again tears… It even got to the point that I had to try hard to keep the tears back… Yikes! & at that point I had to stop watching… I thought “What in the world is the matter with me!” That is when I went straight to google & put in the term (why do flash mobs make me cry?) And well here I am. Glad to see I’m not alone. I don’t feel so strange now. lol. But as I was watching them I asked myself the same question. “What is it making me cry?” & I think at least for me you hit the nail right on the head. It IS “the unity”. It is just so cool to see people come together in any fashion to to actually do something TOGETHER. I Love it!
Kelsey says
I just googled “why do flash mobs make me cry?” and your post came up. Literally, I have to get up and get a soda out of the fridge to hide from my fiance that I have tears rolling down my face. Makes me feel silly, but I’m glad I’m not alone!
Jessica says
Glad to hear it is not just me too! Thanks for stopping by.
Linda says
I just have to say I was so happy to see this. As I just finished watching a Flash Mob video and being choked up – just for fun I googled why do I cry at flash mobs and arrived here. I came to that same conclusion – the unity – it gets me. It’s a beautiful thing. And I also like that people stop what they’re doing for those few minutes and watch and enjoy too. Glad to find I’m not alone!
Jessica says
So glad to hear that you feel the same why I do, at first I thought I was just crying over one more thing! ๐
Nic says
Ohhh goodness, I thought I was the only one!!!
I’ve tried to figure out why I cry too and the only thing I can think is the interaction between people that we just don’t get anymore, it’s fantastic but makes me bawl. We have so many insular societies (contradiction I know) that when people come together as one and have fun altogether it’s just overwhelming.
MamaRobinJ says
I think flash mobs are cool, but I don't get that Oprah one. I think I'm the only person who has watched that and just doesn't get it. Maybe I'm weird.
Jessica Anne says
I love them too, although most don't make me cry, but they do make me smile. Have you seen the wedding flash mob one? That one made me cry.
Melissa(ConfessionsO says
Oh I love this post! And? I love Modern Family!! You made such a perfect comparison, flash mobs and blogging community…oh love it:)
Lifewithoutpink says
That is so amazing! I remember seeing the Oprah one {amazing} and who doesn't love Modern Family. I wish I was at Blissdom, looked amazing!
Themommyologist says
Isn't the blogging community great? I have met so many amazing friends…something I never expected when I got into blogging!
Amy says
Flash mobs get to me, too. And now you've identified why. Thank you!
The JackB says
Modern Family is great, and not just because I can dance better than Mitchell. But I agree about blogging building a community. It is a chance to reach out and engage with people you might not ever meet. And not just that, but you get to know them in ways you don't with your "real life" friends.
Alexandra says
It's the same thing that gets to me, the "we're all on this planet together."
Telling you, pre-chosen by by God….friends are.
Anonymous says
I teared up at the Blissdom flash mob because I was there, but I didn't know a thing about it and didn't know the dance. LOL! But I'm a terrible dancer anyway and someone must've spread the word. I adore your analogy and it's spot on. Which is why I have a blog/on-line addiction and my husband doesn't get it.
Sherri says
I get this, I totally do. I always tear up at those things, and I just couldn't get WHY. The Oprah one was the first I saw and I just burst into tears (and felt lame-o).
But I think you're onto something, I really do….it's that amazement that we're all dancing, alone and yet not. And I'm so thankful I found you as one of my dance partners!
Branson Merrill says
This is so sweet! I am glad I can be one of the many here to support you! =)
Sue Crider says
Wow Jessica–all I can say is wow. You're incredible.
blueviolet says
I heart you so much!!!!! This was such a great post, and I love the connection we are all forming in the blogosphere!
Rach says
If you're an emotional basket case then I am too. I agree with every word of this post so much. I definitely get choked up every time too. You're not alone. ๐
meredith says
I love flash mobs too! In fact I'm doing one on Friday!
I gave you an award on my blog! Go to to check it out! Congratulations!
Wendy says
I love this post! It reminds me that even though sometimes it feels like virtual interactions are taking over real ones, that the real ones will never go away. And without the virtual communications, something as community-oriented as a flash mob would never exist. Something about strangers coming together gets me every time, too.
Liz says
I LOVE that they touch you so! I remember seeing the Oprah one, missed the Modern Family one, and was an active participant in the Blissdom one! YAY, baby! ๐
Jane@flightplatforml says
i cried just reading that you cried! now does that make me even more of a basketcase than you? happy days of union and keep posting am loving your writing x
Ally says
I'm so happy to know that others cry at flash mobs! And you hit it on the head – it's the unity!
NotJustAnotherJennif says
Oh, I love this analogy! I always cry at flash mobs (have you seen the wedding one?) and would LOVE to be in one. I think you're right, I think it is the unity. The knowledge that strangers really can come together as one.
Allison Fields says
I love how supportive the blogging community is! There are so many people who care about my little Cameron even though they have never met him. I'm teary just writing this!
Mads Mom says
I am right there with you sister. The community of liked minded or supportive readers and writers: its why I do it and what keeps me coming back.
And yeah, it makes me teary eyed too.
Megan (Best of Fates says
I know exactly what you mean – I tear up at flash mobs too!
Sarah Halstead says
I get teared up a little too. I think it is the unity. I love reading your blog. ๐
Sugar Mama says
You are right, it IS the unity. I love watching a flash mob for the very same reason. And that Modern Family episode was my favorite JUST because of the flash mob scene. I could watch it over and over.
Anonymous says
It is amazing, the unity and community that come from blogging.
Anonymous says
I think this analogy is just perfect. And I love dancing with you.
Elena @NaynaDub says
I always just looked at it as people who have either had too much wine or like to be the center of attention – just like me! I love the way you look at a flash mob – such a great perspective. Oh, and love Modern Family!
Gemma says
such a sweet post! bless you x
Gigi927 says
What a fantastic way to think about blogging…and flash mobs ๐
Jaime says
I thought I was the only one that cried at every. single. flash mob video out there! Music + dancing + people of all race/religion = harmony and love!! What's not to love?
jessica says
You cry too? I thought it was just me. Thanks for sharing.
Frelle says
I agree with Crayon Wrangler ๐ Everythig in her comment. Im so glad she directed me over to read your post, and to watch all three flashmobs ๐ Also, in the Blissdom screencap there, I am the second woman in the front row, right side of the screen ๐ It was amazing. really. And yes, the unity that it shows, and the unity in how it feels, really is the thing. Like CW said, the coming together for a single purpose and not intended for themselves. In the Blissdom one, it was for Alli, Barbara, and Paula. It was a thank you. Great to know youre around!
jessica says
Thanks so much for visiting and letting me know which one you are in the video. Loved it and it's nice to put a face with the comment ๐
Crayonwrangler says
I love that instead of just going with it, you examine it. I agree that the most intriguing thing about flash mobs is the unity. A group of people coming together for a single purpose that it not intended for themselves.
Loved this post from you! I like the way you examine yourself and I love the fact that you cry at flash mobs.
jessica says
I have a bit of a problem with over self-examination. At least I can get a blog post out of it every once in a while.
Jen Troester says
It is the perfect togetherness that tears me up.
Chantelle says
that is too cute! I cry when old ladies are on the price is right. Well, not cry, but choke up. Anything with cute old ladies really.
Lisa Gallegos says
ugh, well there is nothing like cryin with you on a sunday early evening. ((hugs)) and ur right its about ppl coming together
Anonymous says
Funny you should write that. I always write the "feelings" posts and feel like nobody responds, and was just thinking that about the last one I wrote. But you have way more readers than I do, and I still try to keep my blog hidden so my family doesn't find it!