or is it
Note to the reader: Yes my children are supervised, you will notice there is at least one child missing from each photo. It has come to my attention that, when their culinary minds start turning, they send one to me as a distraction technique, allowing the others free range in the kitchen.
And no it is not Christmas, my daughter just has a very stubborn sense of fashion.
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Sneaky little boogers, aren’t they?!
Aww.. so cute!! ๐
Do you live at my house? ROFL
Ha ha. Too funny! I voted. ๐
Too funny! I’m guessing you spend your day following your children around with the swiffer??? LOL!
Oh, I LOVED the chocolate syrup one! Really, you could have just posted that, it’s so fabulous! ha!
At least they are eating breakfast. My kids are still wearing Christmas pajamas too.
LOL I love how you make sure to point out your children are supervised. ANY mother knows, all they need is .2 seconds alone, and they could bring down the world. rofl Your kiddos just have each other to make it all the worse! ๐ It IS cute, though!
They have the supplies figured out. It’s just the technique that needs a little work. ๐
I love it! Yesterday afternoon Lanagan dropped & then spilled a WHOLE, completely full, bottle of syrup on the kitchen floor. It’s still sticky! I’ve never, ever seen such a mess. It was a ton of fun to clean up, while also trying to keep Cooper from crawling around in it. Good times in the kitchen for kids! ๐
I love it! I’m a little worried about the outcome of the eggs….that could take a turn for the worse!
The distract and conquer technique is as old as having siblings itself and always a winner.
Very cute kids.
I would be very tempted at this point to just surrender the house to them. Just give it over. No use fighting it. Their cuteness is too strong. Cannot…gasp…!
The eggs, though, they are trouble in a big, bad way.
That’s way too funny! They’re little geniuses, aren’t they? And you have your hands full! Isn’t it funny how ‘child locks’ tend to be more ‘adult locks’ since kids get the figured out faster than us adults do? ๐
So cute.
Smart little devils
Troublemakers is right! I’m making a mental note of their strategic ways for when my twins are a little older!
And do you see all of the locks we have on everything? Once they hit age 3 they can find a way. I recommend sealing off your whole kitchen!
The chocolate syrup is my favorite one!
We rock those green feeties at our house, too.
And the distraction technique? Pure genius!
Morning, friend! ๐