There is a certain art to causing trouble.
Sometimes it is a two step process.
First you do something like, say, sneak into your big sister’s room and take all of her gum.
Your mom might find you, tell you gum isn’t for three year-olds and take it away.
You act sad,
let her think she won.
But you save a piece,
chew it real nice,
and put it somewhere special.
Just for your mom.
Gum-in-my-baby’s-hair update: Yes it came out, peanut butter works wonders. I didn’t have to cut a single baby-lock. But a certain trouble-maker did offer to get the jelly. I’m sure he was just trying to be helpful.
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Meryl says
Ohh I remember those days. Great post. Thanks for the smile. I am a bit late with the blog hop but enjoyed this all the same. Will be back for more.
Booyah's Momma says
This brings back memories. Mainly of me, going to school in Kindergarten, with crooked bangs because I had gum stuck in my hair, and my mom couldn’t get it out.
And now? I am seriously considering confiscating all of my duaghter’s gum. ๐
Tonya says
This made me giggle.
Glad you knew about the peanut butter.
Lori says
LOL! I always heard when I was little that if you slept with gum in your mouth, it would end up in your hair. I tried it one night and WOW, it was true! Sadly, it was years before my mother could bring herself to eat peanut butter again. Your post gave me great joy. ๐
New Year Mum says
Little kids do the funniest things… glad it came out OK :)) xoxo
MamaRobinJ says
Oh! I’m sure part of you just died. I’m just waiting for my guy to do that. Trying to get it out would be a nightmare – we’d both be covered in peanut butter!
Steph @ MomKaboodle says
Oh my goodness, too adorable (though frustrating for you, I’m sure!).
I love the offer to get the jelly – so sweet!
Traci says
Just a tip to anyone trying to get something out of hair (gum, food, rubber bands) don’t pull it out of the hair, pull the hair out of whatever is stuck. Just a couple pieces of hair at a time, but it works much better this way.
Leighann says
So glad you got it out!
Jayme says
My daughter watched a cartoon where a character put gum behind her ear to save it during meals. She decided to do that… it wasn’t pretty. Gum is my nemesis.
Rachel {at} Mommy Needs a Vacation says
Oh man!!! GUM is the worst!!!
Stacy Uncorked says
AHAHAHAHAHA! I love it!! Especially since jelly was offered during the peanut butter removal stage. You have your hands full! ๐
Memoirs of a Single Dad says
Ummm, pb & jelly hair. Wonder if that prevents hairballs too…
Cute post!
Jessica says
I’m sure it does but we won’t be testing it out! ๐
Nana says
I don’t know why you’re always making up these stories about Parker. One look at that innocent little face and you just KNOW he couldn’t do any of that stuff. Just one hilarious adventure after another!
The fact that you have time to write never ceases to amaze me, great blog.
liz says
At least you found it, right? And were able to get it out? I always try to think how things could have been worse…to make me feel less angry. ๐
Jen says
Too funny!! I love it!
Elena says
Would you be mad if I laughed at the end of this post? Not because of what happened, but it was just so cute & soooooo something Lanagan would do!
Jessica says
Not mad at all, I’ll just wait for your post about the same thing and then laugh at yours. ๐
Heather says
Thank you for this. I was just about to lift the “Gum Ban of 2010” at our house. Not a chance now.
JR Reed says
The best trouble is caused in multiple steps, with small variances in the level of trouble so that one doesn’t realize how much trouble they’re really in until they’re nostrils are drowning in the trouble. Or so I’ve heard. I’ve never caused trouble like that. I’m a nice guy…
Evonne says
Thank goodness for peanut butter!
I think my boy would fit perfectly in your family. Recently he had slimy silly puddy stuff stuck in his hair.
Megan (Best of Fates) says
Funniest gum find of the year.
Well done.
*Polite applause*
Sarah says
Ha ha! Too funny!
tracy says
Good enough to eat. So cute. SO glad it worked.
Kmama says
Oh no! That is both so cute and and “OH MY GOODNESS!” at the same time. I’m glad the PB worked. My mom once had to get a comb I had “curled” my hair with (I literally twisted my hair up in it) out of my hair and she used PB.
Buckeroomama says
I’ve never heard of this. I’ll have to keep the peanut butter trick in mind. Just in case, you know. =)
Lynn MacDonald (All Fooked Up) says
Hahahaha..too cute!!!
Mommy's Paradise says
I’m just waiting for my little one to start doing it. He’s still to little and not interested it gums yet but I know his time will come. And I don’t think I will have the patience with the peanut, I will cut.
JDaniel4's Mom says
I so don’t want this to happen at my house. I don’t chew gum, but my husband does. So far JDaniel hasn’t asked for any.
Galit Breen says
Oh my! Si much trouble, so much cuteness! XO
Lynn from For Love or Funny says
LOL! I love how you wrote this post! I couldn’t wait to see where the gum ended up, and I wasn’t disappointed!
Klz says
who doesn’t love a peanut butter, jelly and hair sandwich?
Barbara says
When I read the last part about the jelly I giggled out loud. I’m glad it came out. I didn’t know peanut butter got gum out of hair, I’ll have to try and remember that!
jessb27 says
Yep, takes it right out. The peanut butter smell is hard to shampoo out but I\’ll take that over having to cut gum out!
Jessica says
Gum is one of the enemies of moms. At least you had peanut butter on your side.
Crystal says
Oh no! Knock on wood….none of my dudes have done this. But I remember doing it…and I remember my mama not being very happy. I had long beautiful curly hair…..I remember my mom being very, very not happy!!! But ya gotta give your little dude a nod for his stealthiness!!