Really, it takes skill to have table mannersย thisย bad.
And for the record?
This ONLY happened because A. company was coming over and B. the floors had just been washed.
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Life after loss with autism, preemies and a rainbow baby
Ba ha ha. I’m naughty, I’ll encourage this (to a point and not every time), but finger painting is fun!! Plus, once they get it out of their system, they tend to be a bit more agreeable the next time I say “Okay, this really isn’t a good time for that – another time, okay?” Fun!!!
This is hilarious!
The question is not if this happens at our house, but how often. Jelly has decided that she wants to eat like the dog now and puts goldfish crackers on the table so she can eat them with her mouth and her foot is on the table as we speak. And she’s the one with the good table manners ๐
At least it’s confined to the table.
Oh yea this goes down at my house often…..
Oh my goodness. Ha ha! Dustyn makes a huge mess but he wouldn’t do this cause he doesn’t eat healthy food.
Oh, you gave me something to be grateful for. The WERE eating organic yogurt!
It is a good thing our MI get together is not with kids, my son is NOT a good role model for a soon-to-be 2 year old. The baby is learning how to cause trouble fast.
Oh MY GOODNESS! ๐ Ha! Ha! You need to frame this for eventual High School Graduation Parties?!? Wow!
Oh I have a stock of photos that I can frame. I’m not sure it that is something to be proud of or not. ๐
I assume they only lick the floors when they’re dirty?
It always happens at the least opportune times, but holy dirt? That was a crazy serious mess.
OK, so you grabbed your camera as there was licking of the yogurt going on???
You are MY kind of mama!
I know! As I was clicking away I kept thinking “this is totally reinforcing bad behavior but totally necessary for the blog.”
Murphy’s Law that it was right before company was coming and everything was clean. Bet the ‘clean’ part lasted about 5 minutes, right? At least that’s how it goes in our house. ๐
Hahahahahahahaha!!!!! That seriously cracks me up.
Oh dear! That was a sticky clean up! :/
Man, I want to eat at your house. It just looks like fun!
We don’t use plates. Or silverware. And I’m lucky to get them in clothes.
Wonderful. Kids always know when to do something messy and time it perfectly. They out grow it, if that is any consolation.
Something like that would never happen in my house unless I had just cleaned it and had something important to do, too. ๐
I think this is reason enough to never wash the floors again.
Oh boy, that’s messy! I guess boys will be boys?
Thanks for guest posting at Letters For Lucas today and for your kind remarks above. xoxo
You know, I never thought of it that way. Of course he was helping.
So………………….this behavior is NOT acceptable at your house? Darn. I have been doing it wrong! ๐
Wait – did they also just have a bath? That’s the real kicker in my house.
Actually, the baby had just had one, his hair was crusted up in the air by yogurt for our company.
Would you like to join my support group? MAWL – Mother’s Against Window Licking
I think this applies.
Where do I sign up? Is there wine involved?
Oh, it’s like fingerpainting! But with yogurt…..and it’s sticky and messy.
Oh my.
But they are so cute. An yes, I say that because I didn’t have to clean it up!
Oh noooooo! I’m laughing and cringeing at the same time.
There’s really not much else you can do.
Couldn’t possibly love you more right now. XO
So are you saying you love me enough to stop by with a mop and a bucket? ๐
Hahaha!! Of course that happened after you’ve cleaned and were expecting company.
Oh man, I am NOT a fan of cleaning up smeared yogurt on the table! I feel your pain. Is it wrong that the picture made me laugh anyway? I guess it’s easy to see the humor in it when I’m not the one who has to clean it up!
It’s okay, I’m laughing today too, just not yesterday.
Sweet Lord in Heaven I’m having a panic attack.
It think its hilarious.
Oh wow!! It is true that if the house is completely clean AND company is coming over the kids will figure out how do make the biggest mess ever!!
Oh dear. This is too funny! Boys will be boys!
could also be my WW post and entitled….”why I no longer buy Yop drinks” LOL
The floors being washed has a direct correlation to mess. So true.
You told me you worried about their manners – now I see why. LOLOL
We need Super Nanny Tracy to stop by.
I probably would have just sat there and cried, hoping the magic cleaning fairy wiped it all up for me. Funny how she never shows up? ๐