When I first started homeschooling, I have to admit I wondered “what is social studies for young kids and how in the world do I teach it?” Once I stopped overanalyzing everything and learned to go with what my kids were curious about, I found some great ways to teach young kids social studies.
One of my favorite activities that we’ve done is creating our own town. We talked about where we live and what makes up a city and as we talked about the important parts I let them draw each out on paper. They drew police stations and stores and a park and a farm. I spelled out the names of different places for the bigger kids who were working on writing so they could get some extra practice in and just let my youngest color in all the shapes and find “cars” and “people” around the house.
Next I used cut-up paper towel rolls and toilet paper rolls to prop up each part of their “city.”
We made a road through the kitchen and they went to work setting up our town.
They drove through the town as we continued to review the different things that make up a city or a town.
And I’m pretty sure they had no idea that this was school work, which is just how it should be :).
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