Once upon a time I was the only person who read my blog and I attempted a weekly link up. Believe it or not, this did not go well.
Today I decided to dust it off and bring it out of hiding because I need it.
Because sometimes I get caught up in wishing for things like sleep, or a quiet car ride or a house decorated professionally rather than by marker-ed walls, and forget to appreciate all of the little things in my life.
This morning, as we attempted to burn off some two and three year-old energy at the park, I caught myself focusing more on the glowing white shade of my skin than the toddler on my hip and realized I needed to change my attitude. Life it too short to worry about the blinding reflection coming off my legs.
I put on my sunglasses to fend off the glare and squeezed my little guy to remind myself how lucky I am to still have someone on my hip, someone whose problems I can solve with an extra snuggle and a kiss and someone who still thinks I do everything right (as long as I’m armed with a sippy cup and a snack).
So today, I’m thankful for still having someone small enough to carry.
What Small Thing are you thankful for today? Take a few seconds from your day to step back and think about it and leave a comment letting me know what it is.
P.S. If you read often but never comment I would love to hear from you!
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Steph at I'm Still Learning says
Hey Jessica, we met at BlogHer. I’m Steph from what was The Healthy Mom. I changed my name. Anyhoo, I loved this post. I think it’s so important to stop every once in a while to appreciate some little thing in life. In my mind, it’s a collection of the little joys in life that equal great happiness.
Love your blog.
Jessica says
I couldn’t agree more. So glad you stopped by so I can stop and visit you too.
MommaKiss says
I’m thankful for Advil. True story.
(you’re being serious, i know. love this!)
Tonya says
What a great reminder that childhood only lasts so long.
I’m grateful that my husband does mornings so that by breakfast, I can be at my very best. After a cup of green tea. ๐
Christine @ quasiagitato says
I love being reminded of the small things that make life good. Do you know the web site Grace in Small Things?
Anyway, I’m thankful for friends who are getting me and my kids out of the house later on today.
Also, inspired to hear that you weren’t born a blogging rockstar…that you built it over time. I get impatient.
Yasmin @ alittlelessfluff says
I am thankful for the fact that my husband understands that mommy needs a time out from the twins, and lets me sleep in for that extra hour. ๐
Kate F. says
I am thankful to have family time for a few hours without my littlest guy. I too love having a little one to still carry around, but also sometimes feel like it takes away from my quality time with my 2 older kids because, at 18-months-old, I constantly need to be monitoring (a.k.a. chasing) my “baby” around and I often feel too busy to give my older two the attention they deserve.
Today my Mother-in-Law stayed with our baby while my husband and I got to enjoy Lake Erie Beach time with our 5 and 8-year-olds. And I am so thankful for that time ๐
Alicia says
First steps from a 16 month old little girl who refuses to be coerced.
Amy Sullivan says
Today I am thankful for all the sand in my car because it means two, sweet girls had fun at the beach.
So does this mean you are bringing the link-up back? I think that might be fun.
Jessica says
What a cool think to be thankful for. Can\’t decide if I\’m going to bring the link up back or just do this weekly and invite people to leave their small thing in the comments.
Kate F. says
I think you should bring the link up back ๐
Ashley says
I’m thankful for AIR CONDITIONING down here in hot and humid Florida. =)
Lori says
Ok, ok…I’m a frequent reader/rare commenter. ๐ I’m grateful for sunshine and wireless Internet so that I can relax in my backyard and catch up on everyone else’s week. And on a less superficial level, I am grateful for this post of yours, because it reminds me to be even more grateful for our surprising ability to lift each other up through the written word. Thank you!
Jessica says
So glad you commented Lori, great to hear from someone new. Off to check out your blog.
Kimberly says
I’m thankful for muscle relaxers and narcotics that allowed me to go up north for the week and endure the hellish mattresses so that my son could smile on the beach.
Jessica says
So glad you got to have a week on the beach, sounds amazing although sorry that you had to take meds to enjoy it.
Runnermom-jen says
What a great idea for a link-up.
I am thankful my kids have stopped fighting so much. And for coffee ๐
Jessica says
No fighting AND coffee? Perfect.
Sonya says
So glad that I stumbled upon your sweet blog and that you gave me pause for thought! Thank you for encouraging me to take the time to contemplate gratitude on my own blog!
Jessica says
So glad you visiting Sonya!
Lauren Weber says
Love this linkup idea ๐ I am thankful for living in Michigan – I love the lakes, the trees, the culture and the food!
Jessica says
Me too!
Jean says
I am thankful that my autistic son has learned to come to me for a cuddle when he’s upset XXX
XLMIC says
I am thankful for my children’s love of the beach!
Galit Breen says
Jessica! I love this! It’s warm and cozy and so, so YOU! Today I am thankful that my kids still love carpet picnics as much as I do! ๐
Kimberly says
I’m thankful for my husband who lets me vent constantly to him. And for you amazing gals I’ve met through blogging and twitter!
Gill Connell says
I’m thankful everytime Caitlin calls me Granny.
tracy says
You have really awesome hair.
Jaime says
Today I am thankful for my precious girl. It is her 4th birthday and I’m so proud of the little girl she’s becoming.
Sarah at The Stroller Ballet says
Great idea!! I am thankful for good friends who we can truly enjoy a day with. (And if you’re still worried about those legs, give the Jergens Natural Glow lotion a try. Works like a charm for me ;)!
dysfunctional mom says
I love this. I don’t have any more babies on my hip, my kids are 10 – 18, and I do miss it!
My 10 year old does still pretty much think I rock and tells me that on a regular basis, so that’s my Small Thing. =)
Anna says
So well written and so true! Today was a perfect Saturday – husband home…happy baby playing at the pool…wonderful day full of smiles and laughter!
Sherri says
I am thankful for the fun teasing between my kids…I used to worry that they were bickering, until I took a step back and realized they were loving the interaction…and not being hurtful.
And I love that. My house will be quiet without it!
Jessica says
Me too!!
L.R.Knost says
I am thankful for a living, breathing, beautiful baby to hold regardless of the broken sleep…so healing after a loss. And I’m thankful for all of my older children who adore our newest miracle with a love only siblings can understand <3
Jessica says
Isn\’t it? There was something about having my rainbow baby that was just so soothing after losing our daughter. Nothing calms you like a new baby. So happy for you and your miracle.
Jessica says
That my oldest can help me with my youngest.
Jessica says
I love when my oldest pitches in with the younger ones or at least plays a game or two with them. So nice.
angela says
I’m grateful my husband came with the kids and me to Ikea. It would have been a disaster without him ๐
You should bring it back as a linky! It would be a great way to take the time each week to sit and contemplate the things that are positive. I try to do it, but sometimes I get caught up in everything else.
Jessica says
After doing this today I think I might, I love reading the comments, keeps me smiling all day.
And yay for the hubs tagging along to Ikea, love that place but the kids think it is a playground so it is hard to get much shopping done.
Kaycie Christine says
Today I am thankful for sleeping in and then getting a 3 hr nap in the late afternoon. Weekends are wonderful for catching up on sleep when you’re a grad student (or anyone else who works themselves too hard during the week).
Jessica says
Oh, naps are the best, glad you got one in today.
Making It Work Mom says
I am thankful that we have a drive in close by so we can load up all three children tonight to see Cars 2 for only $25.00. It will be a late night, but that is okay for the summer.
Jessica says
Sounds fun! We saw it in the theater but the kids didn\’t last very long. They would have loved the drive in. Have a great time!
Kelly says
I was so grateful to enjoy my coffee on the porch, writing in my journal and soaking in the perfect start of the day.
Jessica says
Sounds perfect!
Leighann says
I’m thankful for health care and having my health.
My family.
And family car trips.
Jessica says
I think I need to learn to be thankful for family car trips :).
Katie says
i just took a lovey nap. I am thankful for weekends when my husband is here and I can just sleep.
Jessica says
I took one today too which never happens. Love a nap!
Not a Perfect Mom says
Today I’m thankful for a baby girl that reminds me to stop and revel in her milestones…we take nothing for granted anymoew
Jessica says
I noticed that about you the minute I read your blog. I feel the exact same way. Hope you are enjoying the weekend.
Margie says
I’m grateful for air conditioning. The hot summers here would be unbearable for both me and my kids were it not for our air conditioner!
Jessica Gardner says
I’m thankful for ice. It’s hot and ice in my drinks is just what I need
Jessica says
Just came home from buying a big bag of ice, warm drinks don’t cut it in the summer.
JDaniel4's Mom says
I am thankful that JDaniel has a little boy close to his age that lives next door.
Jessica says
How lucky for you guys, we don’t have many kids close by but I wish we did.
Jayme says
Today I’m thankful for older siblings who enjoy entertaining little ones ๐
Jessica says
Mine are just starting to all play together, the youngest can finally keep up with the big kids, so nice!
Sarah says
Awww. I would love for you to bring back this linking.
I am thankful for my parents living so close to help me with our boys.
Jessica says
Good one, wish mine lived closer!
Nana says
Very thankful for the joy-filled breakfast we shared this morning!
Varda (SquashedMom) says
I am thankful for water, and how much my autistic son loves to swim.
molly says
After a night of very little sleep, I am so grateful for my small cup of coffee =)