Hi this is Sawyer. I love LEGO so my mom let me take over her blog to tell you about all the great sets out right now. If you are looking for a birthday present for a kid who loves LEGO like me here are some ideas.
You can buy these sets by clicking on their pictures. It will take you to Amazon. Affiliate links included.

This is a cool LEGO set for kids that like CITY. It has a snow cannon, 2 mine figures (one is a guy that works the snow machine and one is on skis) and it has 197 pieces. It is the Great Vehicles Snow Groomer from LEGO CITY.
This is a super cool Avengers End Game set. It is from the new move End Game. It has 4 mini figures plus a big and small War Machine, 2 Out Riders and Ant Man. Even if you did not see End Game yet like me it is still a super cool set and it has 347 pieces.
This is a Batman LEGO set. It is a cool set. It has the Bat Submarine, Batman, a shark, a bad guy and Aqua Man. Batman Batsub and the Underwater Clash has 174 pieces and it is from DC Super Heroes.
This is a super cool LEGO set from Star Wars. It has a shooter for the bad guys and the good guys. The bad guy have an ATAT, a shooter and a drone. The good guys have a shooter tower and a gate. The set comes with three good guys and two bad guys.
More LEGO ideas
This is a cool 3 in one set. I like 3 in 1 sets because you can take them apart and build new things. This set has pieces to make one shark, one squid and one giant mouth angler fish. The 3 in 1 Deep Sea Creatures set has 230 pieces
I hope I get this set for my birthday. The Iron Man Hall of Armor is a super cool set from End Game. It has a lot of mini figures, 2 Out Riders and a cool robot. I like this set and I hope you do too. It has 524 pieces.
I like this CITY set because it has a working parachute. It also comes with a police jet, 2 police, 2 bad guys with money and a 4 wheeler.
This is a cool LEGO set if you like CITY sets it has a lot of fire fighters, a fire station, a fire car, a fire jet ski and a dog and some fire.
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