I am asked often, how I manage to keep my calm each day. (This question may have come up several times since my son developed a new found love for permanent markers.)
I wish I had a short answer for this question, one that does not change the mood in a room or leave eyes searching for tissue.
My answer is this:
I have sat with a daughter with no life left.
I have felt the silence and the emptiness of saying goodbye when she was already gone.
This feeling has left me with a profound gratefulness for the pulse of life.
Marker on the walls, play-doh in the carpet and a two year-old who doesn’t want to sit in a car seat, are not even a blip on my radar screen.
They are reminders of life.
Life is debating over clothes,
confiscating a red pen
and peeling stickers off the window,
as much as it is
the weight of a sleeping toddler on my chest,
the warmth of a head on my shoulder
and a teenager who will still hold my hand.
So the choice to treasure the ups and the downs is an easy one.
The silence of loss makes the noise of life
music to my ears.
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Marta says
Thank you for the reminder.
Andrea says
So beautiful and so real. Thank you for sharing and reminding us of so much that is more important than the littlest of things.
Jessica says
This is one of the many things that I thank Hadley for daily, the perspective to shrug off the little things because that is truly what they are.
Christi M says
Beautiful! I just ran across your site and this one moved me… to tears! You see my son would have been 6 this month, so it’s been a tough one. But every time I look at my 4 and 2 year old I see every reason to enjoy life. Sleepless nights don’t phase me because I remember the sleepless nights I endured after our son passed away… how empty our house felt… etc. You absolutely speak the truth… cherish every moment!
Charlotte says
This was so beautiful and powerfully written. I’m at a loss, I’m sorry.
But this just really resonates with me and gives life deeper meaning doesn’t it?
“The silence of loss makes the noise of life music to my ears.”
Jessica says
Definitely gives life a deeper meaning. Makes me feel like Hadley left so much more with me than I could have ever imagined.
liz says
This is so hard to comment on, Jessica. 🙂 You have experienced so much pain, yet you are so positive and hopeful.
I stumbled this and also pinned it.
Jessica says
Thanks so much Liz, I appreciate your friendship more than you know.
julie gardner says
Music to your ears, indeed…
What an incredibly brave and beautiful perspective to share with everyone, Jessica.
Your words are so lovely. And so right.
I can never properly express how sorry I am for your loss; but Hadley’s legacy touches so many. And the love you have for her that you unselfishly share with us…
There is no more generous gift.
Jessica says
There truly is no better way to say it Julie and nothing more that I could want to come from her memory. Thank you.
Not a Perfect Mom says
I feel the need to print that out and post it on my fridge to remind me that I am truly blessed to have my children…that all the blue popsicle smears on the wall don’t matter, that the red jello stains in the carpet don’t matter, that the fact that no one pees entirely in the toilet doesn’t matter…
thank you…
stunning post…
Jessica says
Thank you so much, truly doesn\’t matter, even the permanent marker on my wood floor. Not exactly easy to smile about it but definitely not a big deal in the scheme of things.
Frelle says
so grateful for your perspective to bring life into focus for me today. thank you.
Nicole @MTDLBlog says
Beautiful post!!!! Love.
Tonya says
This is beautiful, inspiring and so so true. Even on my saddest and most difficult days, I wouldn’t want my life any other way, full of life and laughter and messy, oh so very messy.
Lovely post, Jessica.
Ashley says
This is something I am finding the need to print out and tack up on my fridge. After a trying few weeks and many toddler tantrums, sometimes perspective gets lost. You just returned it to me. xoxo
Jessica says
So glad this gave you a little perspective Ashley, hope it helps you through your Monday!
tracy says
This is so incredible my friend. Like you. xo
The Anecdotal Baby says
Thanks for reminding us not to sweat the small stuff. Life is so precious, really what’s a lil marker on the wall, or in my case, spilled coffee all over the couch? You are truly inspiring.
Hopes@Staying Afloat! says
Gulp! This puts things into perspective so beautifully. Tissues are definitely needed.
Kimberly says
What a beautiful reminder that even the chaos is just a reminder that we’re still living. Thank you for this. I needed it today.
Jessica says
I hope it works and helps you take the chaos in stride.
Amy says
The silence makes me not nearly as frustrated or upset with Julia’s cerebral palsy as other mom-bloggers I’ve read are. They are mourning for their living, special needs child. Oh, I’m sad that things will be harder for Julia, and that she’ll most likely physically navigate the world in a different way than the rest of us. And I get that they consider the disabilities a loss. But compare that to holding your dead child in your arms. . .well, it doesn’t actually compare. I’d take all 3 of my girls having CP over that.
Jessica says
Couldn’t agree more Amy. I have heard others compare autism to losing a child and, having experienced both, I can say they don’t remotely compare. I would take five living children over anything else any day.
buffi says
Please don’t apologize for this post. Yes, it makes all of us mommies a little weepy. But I am almost certain that if they are anything like me it is because of this:
I have been SO frustrated and overwhelmed by all of the mess and all of the NOISE and all of the laundry and having to haul three kids all over town while they argue in the van over who saw the blue Volkswagen first. These beautiful words that you have written make me stop and realize how sad & different my life would be if I only had two children to frustrate me. And so I will be grateful for the noise and the mess and the laundry and I will award them each a “point” for that blue Volkswagen (although what the “winner” gets, I still don’t know) because I am so very blessed to be able to kiss each one of them goodnight each and every night of their lives.
Thank you for this gift, Jessica. You’ve been such a blessing to me tonight.
Jessica says
I can’t thank you enough for this comment. This is exactly the perspective that I hope others gain from sharing my experiences through words. Thank you.
Sara @ PeriwinklePapi says
Thank you Jessica. Thank you.
Jessica says
You are very welcome :).
Wendy says
Beautiful! Just simply breath taking and beautiful! Thank you for helping me embrace the noise of childhood this evening. ~ Wendy
Jessica says
So glad you are enjoying the noise, Wendy.
Melanie says
Wow, Jessica. Just wow.
Jessica says
Thanks Melanie.
Elena @NaynaDub says
Part of that last comment was a case of me typing a comment & trying to say something to the hubby at the same time – meant to say “A reminder that we need to cherish the days and enjoy the chaos.”
Jessica says
I know embracing the chaos isn’t always easy to do but it definitely makes the days easier.
Elena @NaynaDub says
This is so very, very true. This line “So the choice to treasure the ups and the downs is an easy one.” A reminder that we need to cherish the days and forget the stress.
Kir says
Yes, to all of it. True words for all of us. Thank you for giving us that glimpse, that reminder. Xo
Jessica says
You are very welcome, Kir :).
Karen Peterson says
This is beautiful. A great reminder that we choose how we look at the things that could be annoyances. They don’t have to be.
Jessica says
Absolutely true, not annoyances, just little reminders ;).
Victoria KP says
Gorgeous. It reminds me of a family story about my great-grandfather who on his death bed refused any kind of pain medication (not even whiskey and he was a big fan of whiskey). He said, “If I can still feel I know I’m alive. I want to feel everything–even if it’s pain.”
Jessica says
Wow, what an amazing lesson your grandfather left everyone with.
Lindsey says
Such a great reminder to choose our battles.
Jessica says
Thanks Lindsay.
Kristy @PampersandPinot says
Wow. What a great reminder for us all. Beautiful.
Jessica says
Thanks so much Kristy.
Robin @ Farewell, Stranger says
I try to think of this when I have a moment of frustration over a mess, and I owe a lot of that perspective to you. It’s a gift – one I’d gladly return if it meant you didn’t have to know this, but a gift nonetheless.
So beautiful Jessica. And that photo is just lovely.
Jessica says
Such an amazing comment Robin, that is all I can hope could come from my writing.
Kate F. says
That was just beautiful Jessica. Absolutely beautiful…
Jessica says
Thank you Kate.
Lola says
I have such respect for you, Jessica. You carry yourself with such grace and your words are beautiful.
Jessica says
What an amazing compliment, thank you Lola.
Debra Elliott says
Beautiful. Stopping by from WOE
Jessica says
Thanks for stopping by Debra.
MsSharealot says
SO true! I think I should read this EVERY day, so that the little stuff doesn’t overwhelm the important things!
Ann says
Wow – that was such a beautiful post…..I am glad you’re enjoying each and every moment!
Jessica says
Definitely am, thanks Ann.
Shari says
Such simple words creating such emotion. Jessica that is powerful writing, heartfelt, making the rest of us pause and be thankful. Thank you for sharing.
PS The photo is spectacular. I wondered how you had happened to find such a fitting photo, then I read that those are your children, they are beautiful.
Jessica says
What a wonderful comment, thanks Shari.
Practical Parenting says
Oh Jessica, this is beautiful. And you are right…noise and chaos can be a very good thing. Silence…not so much.
That picture? Is gorgeous.
Jessica says
Thank you!
Runnermom-jen says
Beautiful, Jessica. I will remember this next time I am searching for a moment of silence in the chaos. XO
Jessica says
Oh just tweet me and vent about it ;).
wendy says
I think of your story so often. You really do write with intent and with great stakes at hand. I don’t know that I am describing this well, but that’s why story telling moves me so much–fiction, memoir or poetry. It is not easy create emotions in other people, but you do it. so glad I met you here.
Jessica says
Truly appreciate ypur words, thank you Wendy.
angela says
Your perspective is inspiring, and though tears spring up when I read this, the end makes me smile. And smiling through tears is probably my favorite emotion.
Thank you for this (and how perfect is that photo? McKenna looks like she’s thinking, “Whoa! Fun but wayyyyy too cold!”)
Jessica says
Exactly, the boys were all for the water but she would get close and then change her mind every time.
Christine @ Quasi Agitato says
I so appreciate everything you share here.
And you share it so well.
This is a weird comment after such a deep post but…blogging wise…you are on fire.
Jessica says
Thanks so much Christine, laughing at the comment and telling my husband ;).
Courtney @ The Mommy Matters says
Oh wow. What a beautiful way to look at it. And you’re so right…in the grand scheme of things, those little frustrations and annoyances just really don’t matter.
Lady Jennie says
Jessica says
Passing tissue :).
Sarah says
You are such a beautiful person Jess. I love this and I love you. You make me think and appreciate what I have. Thank you.
Jessica says
Awww, thank you so much Sarah. I\’m so glad we have connected, you have been an amazing support to me through the good and bad.
Lisa says
Thank you for writing this. I have sat with a son with no life left. And now I am expecting his little brother, and I hope that I will cherish every moment I have with him. I hope that I never forget the lessons I have learned and am able to let the little things go. You make me feel like I can accomplish that. 🙂
Jessica says
Oh LIsa I am so glad that you commented. I remember carrying my rainbow baby and wondering how I was going to do it because grief was taking so much of my energy. You won\’t forget the lessons and there will be a million moments when you think of the son that you lost and cherish your new baby that much more. Email me if you ever need me fourplusanangel@gmail.com. Sending lots of hugs and strength.
Devan @ Accustomed Chaos says
so beautiful. truly.
Jessica says
Thank you Devan.
Mrs. Jen B says
Wow. Not only do you make a beautiful point but you state it in such a beautiful way.
JDaniel4's Mom says
This is leaving me with deep mom heart breathes to keep from crying.
Jessica says
Oh I am sorry!
Nika M. says
shell says
Oh, my friend. What perspective.
Mark says
I’ll try to remember this the next time one of my kids tests my patience.
Jamie says
Such a beautiful perspective… and picture. Thank you for the reminder to appreciate what we’ve got! WITH a smile!
Jessica says
You write SO beautifully. Inspiring, really. Yes–tissues were needed. Thank you for the reminder that even when my three year old is acting like a madman, he is just living. I needed to hear this today. xoxo
Jessica Gardner says
Love this! so refreshing and great perspective!!! Thank you
Vinobaby says
Heartbreaking, lovely, and inspiring. Great way to frame the joyful noise of life…
Natasha says
Beautiful, just beautiful. And so very true. The silence is so literal! I think one of my most vivid memories was the opressing silence in the room when we lost K. Compared to that, the noise is life… Thank you for this post. I needed to read this today.
Thinking of you as October gets closer. (((hug)))
Jessica says
I wish we both did not know such silence. It is so strange but when I think back, I know there was so much noise surrounding us, we were in the NICU, but all I remember is silence. Lots of love, Natasha.
Krista says
Oh my. What a beautiful and heartbreaking reminder that we all need to take the little things for what they are – little.things.
I so admire you, Jessica. So much.
Jessica says
Truly appreciate this Krista and am humbled by your words. xo
Barbara says
Such an amazing post! Beautiful!
Mirjam says
Beautiful post…leaves me lost for words.
Naomi says
This is so beautiful, and such a great reminder for all of us to revel in each moment we have with our families. They are truly a gift! Thank you so much for sharing this!
Evonne says
The good far outweighs the bad. I love that picture
Jaime says
Oh my…beautifully said. And what a great reminder when I want to pull my hair out. Thank you for that.
Sue the Desperate Housemommy says
Perfectly put and so, so true.
Jessica says
I need to create a tissue warning button :).
Galit Breen says
Beautiful, gorgeous, inspiring.
And yes- tissue requiring.
But that’s okay, too.
Jessica says
Oh I reread to see if tissues were required and I thought maybe the end would reduce the need for tissues but maybe not, huh? Thank you for reading, sorry for the tears. xo