We are under seige.
There is no sleep allowed.
No showers either.
If you shut your eyes they open them. Turn on the water they flop to the ground in despair.
You can brush your teeth as long as it can be done without hands and pee only if you can balance a toddler on your lap.
Your shirt will be used for a kleenex, your lap, a puke bucket and your clothes only changed once their Tylenol kicks in.
Diapers that could kill a small animal must be changed and breath that makes your toes curl is aimed your way.
You must sit when they tell you to, stand when they pull you up and offer toast and soup on demand.
No one can leave the house, their germs can be seen from a mile away. They goob on the window if you walk to the mailbox alone.
No one will enter either, Hazmat suits are not available at your local store.
We tried to wave our white flag but had to shut the door for fear of an asthma attack.
Tried to spell SOS with Saltines but our captors ate them rabidly.
So we will sit, in the trenches, our runny-nosed dictators circling the camp, ears ringing from Fresh Beat Band marathons, hands raw from hand sanitizer and wait for our release…
When we will tiptoe through preschool pick up, avoid indoor play gyms like the plague,
and hope for a day when small children remember to cover their mouths, wash their hands and not. touch. anything.
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Charlotte says
Oh, I don’t envy you any. Best of luck this week and hope everyone is back on their feet in no time!
Sarah says
Oh man. So sorry. Hope you all are feeling better.
John says
There is nothing worse than when the whole family is sick . . . I hope y’all are feeling better soon.
Thanksgiving, we shared a stomach bug as a family. It was the first time I truly felt that I was “over my head” with this parenting thing.
Lady Jennie says
The expressions on those adorable childrens’ faces is just so precious!
And may you have peace and health and germ-free air blowing through your house.
dumb mom says
Ahhhh germs! Good luck and hope you all are germ free soon. You know, so you can build strength until it hits you again!
Jen says
Since I have 2 sick kids, I too dream of this day.
Kimberly says
I’m not going to say a single word because I don’t want to jinx myself.
JDaniel4s Mom says
JDaniel would have eaten my SOS sign too. I love the picture of your guys!
julie gardner says
Their facial expressions are priceless.
Not to mention they mean BUSINESS in those boots.
Business, I tell you.
(So cute. Good luck. Watch the hand-sanitizer around your cuticles…)
Tonya says
It does feel exactly like you have described. Good luck and I hope everyone is feeling better soon.
Love the camouflage!
Rachel {at} Mommy Needs a Vacation says
You are too funny! Sickies! Yuck!!
Miss Marina Star says
Such a vivid and funny description of the captive life with sick kiddos.
This has been a particularly bad month for us as well. What is up with these kids?
The Anecdotal Baby says
Ack! There’s been something going around. I nearly banished the hubs to another state for fear he’d pass it along to us, but miraculously he only felt bad for a night (thanks to some emergen-c) and we escaped unscathed. I can’t wait for preschool *sarcasm*… someone should come up with a spray to dowse yourself in to guard against germs. Hang in there, and as someone else said, you’ll totally rock this!
Mad Woman behind the Blog says
You know the spreading of snot on a parent is a sign of affection, right?
Spreading it on a sibling is something else altogether.
I won’t say what would be worse so as to not jinx you. But just one hint: sick husband. So instead I’ll wish you good luck and a speedy recovery.
Also: Damn those boys are cute.
Practical Parenting says
Yes, that about describes my week ๐
Anna says
They are so funny! My 2 boys dressed them selves as Superman and Batman. It was hilarious a bit but very amusing:)
Kristin @ What She Said says
Everyone’s under siege! We’ve already had Round 1 of the dreaded stomach bug and narrowly missed Round 2 last week when a kid barfed up his breakfast right in front of Lil’ Bit at daycare. It was all I could do not to snatch her and run back home to my vomit-free bubble. And I refuse to visit any indoor play gyms until this epidemic has passed – or at least until I stop seeing it talked about constantly on FB, Twitter, and in blog posts.
angela says
I feel like Dylan has been sick off and on all winter. Abbey has gotten hit hard a few times. I opened windows this weekend just to try to banish some of the germs ๐ Feel better!
Leighann says
The Sickies!
A parents worse fear. And once they have it they seem to hang on to it forever.
Hope everyone is feeling better soon.
Barbara says
I am right there with you right now. Toddler with bronchitis, 6 week old with a cold….although that picture is too cute for words.
Galit Breen says
Hee! Too funny, Jess!
And oh my, yes- don’t touch ANYTHING should be, like, a law!
{I hope everyone feels better soon!}
Jessica says
I swear it’s the age, every time I pick my 2 year old up he wipes his nose on my shoulder. Ugh.
tracy@sellabitmum says
OY. Feel better. xo
Kate F. says
It makes it SO much worse when your husband works in a school atmosphere too doesn’t it? My husband is mostly immune to it by now… but he still manages to bring all the eweey gooey germs home with him!
Jessica says
Exactly, Mark doesn’t get much of it anymore but I think he just carries it home to us.
Shasta Kearns Moore says
Ha! I love it! Totally been there. I love how you capture the feeling of being trapped.
Courtney Kirkland says
Good luck! I hate to say it, but I’m glad it’s you and not me. LOL You’re going to rock it!
Kimberly says
Oh no! Hope everyone feels better soon!!
Rach (DonutsMama) says
Feel better soon!!! Netflix, my friend. Netflix. ๐
Jessica says
We’ve watched every episode of every cartoon we have. This means it’s almost over right?
Runnermom-jen says
Hope you win that war SOON!! Poor kids…and poor mom and dad too.
Life As Wife says
Oh no! I hope your captors arrange for a hostage negotiation soon!
Jenn says
Aww! Hope everyone feels better soon!
Not a Perfect Mom says
aw man…we went through that a couple of weeks ago…
Nana says
I was commiserating with you until I saw the picture, and then I burst out laughing. Oh, the life of a mother…
Jessica says
Aren’t they nuts? That picture was hilarious.
Lizbeth says
Those same fowl little germs are at my house too. And my minions are faring just as poorly. I’m living on coffee and the kids are on the 1,000th episode of How its Made. I just want to bleach the house down…
Jessica says
Same here, if it wasn’t 20 degrees I would be opening the windows and bleaching everything.
christine says
Oh no! Hope everyone is feeling better very very soon!! Winter is the worst for sick kids.
ML@My 3 Little Birds says
Oh man. That’s the worst…and yet you’ve described it beautifully. This too shall pass (and then onto the next emergency).
Lanie says
We are under seige over here too! I hope that we all make it out of the trenches and back into preschool soon! I am hoping for tomorrow but may have just jinxed myself. Take care.
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says
Good luck! That’s the war of wars you’ve got going!