I have the easiest way to make your makeup brushes brand new again. Try this…
1. Wash brush thoroughly with hot water and Johnson’s Baby Wash until the water runs clear.
2. Set brush to dry on a clean washcloth and that’s it!
Once your brushes dry the bristles will be soft and just like new again!
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If the appearance of your skin is really bothering you, talk to your doctor. There is always the cosmetic things, Botox, chemical peels etc. From personal experience the chemical peels didn’t help, haven’t tried Botox, but never say never!
Thought that you had a face operation, whew!!! You got me there, honey. As for me, I just have a complete 8 hours of sleep, a face moisturizer and a lot of water. I always thank GOD for giving me a natural always “young” skin.
Drink more water, avoid too much sunlight, always apply day and night facial cream and avoid wearing makeup everyday. Or if you can’t help it, you can use mineral-based make ups. And lastly, avoid stress!:) Trust me, stress plays an important role to aging.
Caught your attention with that title didn’t I? For some reason falling face seems to draw attention. I don’t know how many times I watched it on Funniest Home Videos growing up. Maybe because I’ve done it myself so many times I can’t count them, figuratively and metaphorically. Most people have at one time or another, and it connects us. We have done the exact same thing. We’re just happy no one caught it on tape. Talking about finding the story behind the product and using that to connect with people. Does it work? ๐
I do believe in the water and sleep…but like someone else said, a lot of it is also genetic.
I haven’t found any miracles yet. I believe in simple, gentle cleansers. I love Cetaphil and Oil of Olay products. I have sensitive skin, so that’s a problem, too. I also like the St. Ives Apricot scrub with the seeds in it to help exfoliate.
Sorry I’m not much help! I also have a hard time believing you from looking at your photos!! you are gorgeous!
Having wrinkles are part us into maturing, but you can minize it drinking at least 8 glass of water a day and 8 hours of sleep.
It is just a matter of good lifestyle. Change your lifestyle and everything will follow.
You are gorgeous inside and it shows on the outside. That said, I know what you mean. Grief, stress and lack of sleep can do a number. Things I find helpful: hydration, exercise, Nars blush in the shade called Orgasm, an undereye concealer that is a very light tone (Bobby Brown has a good book with makeup tips), Oil of Olay Rejenerist products and massages. You deserve a massage. XO
I have started to notice the effects of aging on my features lately… and wasn’t sure what to do about them. I feel too young to try out anti-aging creams, but I might just have to bite the bullet.
But you look absolutely stunning in all the photographs I have ever seen of you ๐
I notice the most difference when I cut out caffeine (but I can’t, I caaaan’t) and when I take my Nu Skin vitamins, especially the Omega 3. So I think for me interior has a lot to do with it.
I actually have no tips, but I loved reading everyone’s suggestion. I too have seen my face age like no other!
You?A re pure stunning! I have no tips, I want to learn from *you!*
You are so sweet Galit.
I looked at my face the other day in the mirror while I was getting my hair cut. And I couldn’t believe how old I looked. 35 is next month for me. And things are falling fast.
I’m buying stock in face cream.
I think you’re beautiful for the record.
My favorite skincare line is Honey Girl Organics or Cetaphil. I also use Philosophy Purity Made Simple.
I’m still searching for an eye cream…
I’m with Kim.
And I’m 43, so I know what I’m talking about.
(Well, at least I LOOK smart. And by smart I mean old.)
I remember visiting a new dermatologist when I was 34 because I wanted body scan for suspicious moles. Instead, he zeroed in on my face and said, “You look *pretty good* now, but you’re going to start showing your age. Soon.”
That was eight years ago so I can’t imagine what he thinks when he sees me now.
(Probably that I’m smart.)
I think this is where “being a male” is really evil . . . because I’m, quickly, moving into a more-mature body . . . wrinkles are are appearing where they didn’t used to be, circles appear under my eyes all of the time. Yet I still break out like a teenager who just went on a pepperoni pizza and chocolate milk binge.
But, more & more, I hear “you have such great laugh lines,” and “you look distinguished.” I don’t know if this means that people are especially kind, or if I have a George Clooney-type reformation happening.
Wine helps…everything looks much better with wine.
But seriously though. I am starting to get lines around my eyes and they’re so annoying. Problem is, I have acne because of the child so it’s like…do I treat the zits or the wrinkles?
I choose wine.
Totally with you, wine will cure it all.
Seeing your picture, I can’t seem to notice any lines. Hmm, I think that what you can add in your regimen is to drink more water and take Vitamin E for the skin. I am not much of a cosmetic user and I just go for green all the time. ๐
I feel your pain! I have moisturized since I turned 19 – just using oil of olay and it’s helped….but time marches on!
Ok, not seeing a bit of falling in your picture!
Thanks Amy ๐
I’ve desperately been trying to strike a deal with Rumpelstiltskin…
Let me know how that turns out.
Should I tell you that it just gets worse? ๐
I’m a big fan of Clinique’s Even Better face moisturizer and their All About Eyes eye cream, which I’m pretty sure is made of fairy dust and unicorn sparkles, as it has magically erased most of my under-eye circles.
Other than that, my only advice is water – drink lots and lots of water. It keeps the skin hydrated and helps retain its elasticity.
I love Clinique everything but haven’t tried their eye cream. Will have to try it now, thanks!
Yeah, I could have written this post. After loosing Amelia, and dealing with unemployment for 20 months, I not only gained weight, but have gray hair and new wrinkles to show for it. I too am always thought of as younger than I am based on physical appearance, but that is catching up to me as well.
I started to use natural products and am focusing on nutrition. Our bodies age due to many factors, but also due to poor nutrition. Our cells usually very hungry for vitamins and minerals, water, sleep, exercise, and the list goes on. So, I would invest in your health first because the things you put on the outside don’t help prevention.
This aging things just stinks. I can’t remember being so concerned or effected by it before. But now that I look in the mirror, and see all these young bloggers it really makes me feel old.
I know, so strange to actually be FEELING old now. Loss and grief take such a toll.
My daughters and started using a skin regimen for our age group. It is helping all of us.
I’ve been lucky. I always get a “look” when I tell people I’m 32 – more than once I’ve heard “But you look like a baby!”.
However – I got a new ID pic taken yesterday, and between seeing that compared to the one I got the day after my 30th, and the difference between my new avi and the old one taken when I was 28…well, time is creeping up on me.
Like you said, stress has to be a part of it. When I turned 30 I was a newlywed and everything was right with the world. A few months later my father-in-law had an aneurysm and here we are a couple years later, living with him in all his stubborn glory. Plus the stress, illness and loss of the past several months.
Gentle cleansers, hydration, moisturizers, sunscreen…and a healthy dose of “I’ve earned my wrinkles” will have to be what carries us through, I guess! ๐
Totally agree Jen and, I am actually fine with aging and the confidence that comes with getting older, I would just like to look fresh and young, can I have both ๐ ?
Take a day or a morning and head to a good cosmetic counter…Arden, Lauder, Benefits, and let them show you some tricks. Check out pinterest for a new hair style, and update your clothes for a look that makes you feel good now. Stay away from the mirror and camera and picture yourself exactly the way you want to look. Try to get 8 hours of sleep once in awhile (stop laughing.) These things will not happen over night and aren’t inexpensive so might take some time to fit them in the budget. Don’t let people tell you that how you look doesn’t matter and you look great…do what it takes so you can feel great on the inside and outside. Of-course it matters. Ok…thanks for allowing me the opportunity to give MYSELF this pep talk :-).
Thanks so much for all of the ideas!
Hydration, Retin-A, & sunscreen daily. I love neutrogena products – the cleansers, lotions, & mineral makeup.
I have acne & stopped using retin-a years before I wanted to have a kid, just in case, & I can tell. I started using it again & the splotches started lightening (I am prone to splotchiness & it’s not all sun-related).
Genetics has a lot to do with it, too.
There are days when I want botox, but then I remember that I’m not rich & having botulism in my face isn’t really all that appealing.
I should try Neutrogena make up, I used to use their soaps and loved them.