Congratulations to commentor #120 Rosanne, you have won this giveaway!
Let’s discuss a few facts:
1. I have three young children at home.
2. They are young yet not young enough to nap daily.
3. I’m a bit of a germaphobe.
4. Indoor play places are similar to letting any entire preschool class sneeze in the face of your child.
5. Only one of these three young children goes to school.
6. Preschools run on the by the time I drop them off it is time to pick them up again schedule.
7. Hopping in and out of the car for errands, appointments and general things to occupy our time is not called “hopping” when you have this many kids in car seats and a teenager who doesn’t even want to get out in the first place.
8. We are at home A LOT.
When I’m out of crafts, play doh and patience we do a little retail therapy.
Not for me (although that would be AMAZING) but for them.
We pop into our favorite toy store, the one that lets them actually play with most of their products and I let them each pick out something small.
Do you know how many hours of sanity this gives me?
New toys = happy, quiet, okay not quiet, but happy, kids who are occupied long enough for me to make dinner without someone climbing up my leg.
Today I am thrilled to offer you a little bit of my sanity.
My favorite local toy store, Funky Monkey Toys, who carries every amazing toy you could ever imagine, is giving away a $50 gift certificate to their online store plus free shipping.
I seriously could spend all day in there. Somehow they have found every unique toy out there that you can’t find without spending ten hours searching online, and combined them into one shop.
And if you are local, you must go in their store. They have an entire room full of toys the kids are welcome to explore and host fun in store events.
Here’s how to win $50 to spend at Funky Monkey Toys…
Mandatory entry:
Visit Funky Monkey Toys and tell me your favorite product.
Additional entries (you must leave a separate comment for each additional entry):
-Subscribe to the Funky Monkey Newsletter
-Share this giveaway on Facebook and tag Funky Monkey Toys on Facebook
-Tweet about this giveaway “I entered to win an an amazing toy giveaway with @jessbwatson and you can too” (leave the link to your tweet in the comments)
-Pin your favorite item from Funky Monkey Toys to Pinterest. (leave the link to your pin in the comments)
Good luck!!
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love the remote control spaceman
Subscribed to the Funky Monkey Newsletter.
Darda Upside Down Overpass.
brich22 at earthlink dot net
share fb
brich22 at earthlink dot net
I like the plush Dachshund.
subscribe funkymonkey via email using ardy22 at earthlink dot net
brich22 at earthlink dot net
one fav is Magnetic MightyMind
brich22 at earthlink dot net
My daughter would love the fashion headbands!!/wallindeb/status/198966837516566529
I -Subscribe to the Funky Monkey Newsletter
I like the Remote Control Spaceman
Architectural Unit Blocks are my favorite. I remember playing with something like these as a kid myself. I think basic building block toys are so universal and great for inspiring imagination!
Bananagrams would be fun!!/mellanhead/status/198961317808312320
I would get the Basic Skills Board and Wooden Bake & Serve Brownies
My favorite is Camp Game
Brainstring advanced
My son had been asking for the snap circuit jr since hes seen it at a friends house . I could not get it away from him.
Michelle tucker (michedt)
michedt at yahoo dot com
michedt at yahoo . com
Subscribed to the Funky Monkey Newsletter
michedt at yahoo . com
I love the Brush Robot.
michedt at yahoo . com
email subscriber
I like their Tootle Turtle Tote Set
My kids would love the voice changer. I’d get one for each of them!
Subscribe to the Funky Monkey newsletter.
I would love to get my family, the Camp Game
I like the Darda Upside Down Overpass
Newsletter subscriber
Qwirkle Board Game is my favorite
Sharedon Facebook and tagged Funky Monkey Rosanne Morrison
Subscribe to Funky Monkey newsletter
I like the Architectural Unit Blocks
I like the Jack Russell Terrier.
Qwirkle Board Game
my daughter would just die for the doll making kit, she is always wanting to knit and sew with me and this would something fun for her to do while i am crafting.
My favorite toy is the Tin Cash Register.
reejen at comcast dot net
My nephew would love the deluxe magic set. Thank you!
The bananagrams game looks really interesting… kind of like scrabble but different.
i subscribe to the funky monkey newsletter
That propeller racer would sure get alot of use at our house 🙂
I pinned my favorite:
busymom369 at gmail dot com
busymom369 at gmail dot com
I shared on Facebook (Erin E):
busymom369 at gmail dot com
I subscribed to their emails
busymom369 at gmail dot com
My favorite is the King Puppet. Thank you for the lovely giveaway!
Erin E
busymom369 at gmail dot com
The Finger Pupper Theatre Kit is sweet!!/sarohioan/status/198578701049397248
I like the dachshund plush toy.
Band in a Box would drive me bonkers, but my kid would adore it!
I like the ZOOB Traveler building set
I tweeted!/Ilovemybeagle2/status/198520533116125184
I shared on facebook
Oh I love the Trunki Jade! So cute!
My favorite is the Shrinky Dinks Fairy Garden.
i tweeted @mverno!/mverno/status/198444673310793728
i like the remote control spaceman for my grandson
my favorite is my very own fairy ballerina theatre
I love the Farm Block Play Set.
I like the Doorbell House
I subscribed to their newsletter =)
Sock Monkey babies!!! Thanks!
Love the doorbell house
Spot It game
kport207 at gmail dot com
I like the magnetic wooden numbers!
I like the Farm Sound Blocks
jofo120 at yahoo dot com
I LIKE THE Remote Control Spaceman
Band in a Box
I subscribed to Funky Monkey Toys!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com
I like The Speed Boat!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com
they’re all cool! I pick band in a box
i like the Remote Control Spaceman
I pinned my favorite item – –
I tweeted your post! Not sure how to share the link…!/letters4lucas
While Lucas would LOVE the Band in a Bag, I’m more interested in the U.S.A. Map Floor Puzzle.
What a great giveaway!
I like the Wooden Bake & Serve Brownies.
I love the Snap Circuits Jr. 100 Experiments!
My son says he wants the Remote Control Spaceman. 🙂
My daughter would go crazy for the Finger Puppet Theater kit.
the Abby & Emma Magnetic Dress-Up Set is really cute
Hello all,
Thanks for all of the great comments. Please “like” Funky Monkey Toys on Facebook. We send out coupons and announce special craft days that way.
Don’t miss out on the “monkey fabulous” savings and fun.
Best Regards,
Mr. Monkey!/mkjmc/status/197274826640076801
I like the Ladybug tea set.
Thanks for the chance.
Hey jessica,
Thankf or the tumbs up on Funky Monkey s toys and how to go about gaining my self a voucher. I have a pretty good idea of what you have been going through and can identify with your situation. In the end I just came to the conclusion that I do it because I love those bundles of joy which God gave me. Keep a positive mental attitude. and you will overcome.
I love the felt sandwich set! thanks for hosting!!/mkjmc/status/196941753750786048
Subscriber, thanks!!/Hotsnotty2/status/196881652176257024
Brainstring Advanced
Band in the box!!
Liked and shared on Facebook!!/LindsayEnsor/status/196776590028443649
I tweeted!
I subscribed to the news letter!
Loving the Robot toys under the Math and Science section 🙂
So hard to choose just one toy 🙂 But because I have 2 boys headed off to kindergarten in the fall I think I’d go with the “see and spell” so I can help them prepare for next year.
My Tweet:!/LaurenWeber84/status/196735567529119747
My little gal would LOVE all the Melissa & Doug play food. It’s so adorable and high quality! And I totally need to go visit that store – looks SO cute!!
I tweeted this giveaway on Twitter.!/LIDARKSIDE/status/196710206510604288
I shared this giveaway on Facebook.!/denisehughesfrank.blados/posts/101606979976359
I like the “Flying Science” kit.
<3 the Shape Model and Mold
That was really hard, I love that they have so many choices! I think my daughter would love the Doorbell House. She’s big into pretend play, especially with dolls & houses 🙂
email subscriber
I like the Pound & Roll Tower
i pinned my favorite product
i like the 12 inch jenna doll
I like the Farm Block Play Set
ADORE the Band in a Box 🙂
I like the Rainbow Stacker!
The Remote control spaceman!
I’m a Funky Monkey Toys newsletter subscriber
I would like to get my daughter the ZOOB Traveler building set.
Here the link to my Tweet:!/AbbySovko/status/196384597171384320
Love the Remote Control Spaceman. Very cute ♥
I tweeted:!/peg42/status/196370206220754944
I’m Subscribed to the Funky Monkey Newsletter
My favorite is the Solar Mechanics Kit.
Thanks so much.
I think my little girl would like the Abby and Emma Magnetic Dress Up Kit.
Pinned my favorite item – janetwatson
Shared on facebook – Janet Watson!/permalink.php?story_fbid=215943201842462&id=100001373134037
My favorite product is the Scootin’ Turtle Mealtime Set. They have SO many neat things!
create your own spin art kit.
I tweeted about this giveaway.!/mommyhoodnxtrt/status/196315014729175041
Yay! This is such an awesome giveaway! Before saying what I want to get, I wanted to say that I thought I was the only parent out there who, sometimes, regularly goes to toy stores for a “break.” They’re one of my favorite places to go when I’m “beat” and out of ideas on how to keep my toddler entertained!
Okay, so about the toy, I think my toddler would most like the Magnetic Chalkboard/Dry Erase Board.
Totally agree, the other day we were in the Target toy aisle and I just kept thinking “if only there were a babysitter at the end of this aisle I could get all my shopping done.”
I like the Brush Robot.!/mkjmc/status/196310619408965632
Brainstring advanced
I subscribed to their newsletter.
I shared the link from your FB page to mine and I think I tagged them (well, I tagged myself as being there).
I like the sandwich stacker, because the girls are always using blocks to make sandwiches for daddy. At least now they can make real pretend ones.
Little Prince Book and Horse Set – I always loved horses when I was a kid, so this would be fun for my grandchild.
My daughter would love the Ladybug Tea Set Basket.
I think my son would love the Remote Control Spaceman.
I completely sympathize! Even though I only have two young boys (4 and 19months), a very happy day was the day I learned how much they love playing with scotch tape. I go through a lot of tape, but I have all my hair now. I love the basic skills board on Funky Monkey.
Thank you for the chance to win!
I don’t know this place. Gotta check it out! After visiting their website, I’d say I’d go for the educational toys like the see and spell or the magnetic wooden numbers- or both!!
You definitely have to go, love their store and they have all kinds of things I haven’t seen anywhere else. I tweeted!!! 🙂
-Subscribe to the Funky Monkey Newsletter
CHECK!!!!! Did this!!!!
Wow! That is a pretty awesome website.
I think I would have to say my favorite product (while taking a quick look through the pages… But I will return when I have more time) would be the band in the box. A few reasons, having 4 kids under 2 plus an 8 year old is asking for trouble if you don’t buy a toy for everyone, this gets expensive. The band in the box is something they all would enjoy (several peices) even at the different ages.. In fact mommy might play this with them. Also, my twins are a bit behind so this is something that would stimulate, they would enjoy and they CAN use. Lastly all my kids enjoy music. They all gave “danced” before walking. No matter what they are doing, the stop and start dancing when music is heard. I could be having the worst day and seeing that, I can’t help but laugh!
although I’d end up taking it away from them for the horrendous headache I’d get, I like the band in a box