So we have two days left until the walk.
I doubled the goal I set for myself last year and I’m not quite there yet.
I’m in awe of the love and support from so many amazing friends and was offered one more chance to spread the word and just maybe reach my goal.
Please visit me over at It Builds Character today as I talk about the gift the March of Dimes gives that most don’t even realize.
And if you want to make my day, you can always donate too :).
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I knew you’d not only make but beat your goal!! Way to go Watson’s!!
Good luck! I think its amazing what you’re doing and I hope you make and surpass your goal!
Does your hospital match funds? I was so excited to find out that ours does. I hope you make your goal and that the weather is good for the walk (in Michigan and Atlanta). Take care.
Our hospital? As in where the kids were born? I never even thought to ask.
I hope you reach your goal, Jessica!!! You’ve done a wonderful job!
I have had too many friends learn the importance of March of Dimes. I hope you reach your goal & I’ll be sharing this on Facebook. A close friend of mine was only able to bring home one of her beautiful twins last year and she is participating I the walk, too. We will be walking for Cystic Fibrosis next weekend.