Not long ago one of my favorite bloggers, Steph at Adventures in Babywearing, held a giveaway that reached right through my computer screen.
She was giving away gorgeous artwork from the very talented Christina of Heart Box Studio.
As soon as I looked through Christina’s shop, I realized she had been touched by grief and I also wanted one of everything.
I was the first entrant, making my chances of winning that much more slim but somehow I did.
I knew exactly how I would spend my giveaway certificate and sent an email to Christina with my choice.
Through several exchanges we shared our stories of grief and the place where we find ourselves today and I found the perfect spot for the piece I selected.
But I was not prepared for the package that arrived at my door.
It was much heavier than the sheets of card stock I expected.
And it was full, a care package for my heart.
Two beautiful prints, Christina’s gorgeously illustrated book “The Gift”, greeting cards, a framed print, postcards and handcrafted hearts, all sent with a beautiful card full of warm words, just for me.
I gathered everything in my arms and began finding homes for it all.
And I tucked away the large envelope that was placed at my doorstep that morning, a reminder that people are good, new friendship is magical and a caring hand, no matter how far away, can lift you up and pull you through.
I can’t thank Christina enough for her generous gifts, if you have a moment visit her store and browse her gorgeous work and then…
Do something unexpectedly nice for someone today, you never know just how much they might need it.
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Lovely. Beautiful, really.
I really love to receive greeting cards from my friends, precious family and to other people who loved me. Receiving greeting cards really give you flattering and touching feeling. You are so fortunate to receive many greeting cards.
Her work is so beautiful, and what she did – so kind.
I’m sorry I’ve been MIA lately. I’m trying to manage the end of the school year craziness.
I love that idea of doing something unexpectedly lovely for someone.
You’re right – people do need it.
Glad you got something so wonderful.
She sounds like such an amazing person!
You are so lucky to receive these greeting cards. I love your greeting cards. It so touching and overwhelming to receive these greeting cards.
You are so luck Jessica, I have started trying for these freebies & giveaways since last 6-7 months, so far have not achieved anything!
I envy you sooooo much!
So beautiful and kind. I am going to check out her website. Take care. xo
That is so sweet. There are so many good people doing good things. Even a grump like me is forced to smile.
That is so beautiful.
Lovely story to read first thing this morning and so beautiful.
What a sweet post this is. In this digital age we live in, there’s really nothing like receiving a handwritten note or a care package. What a special friend and what lovely gifts from the heart. Glad she helped to lift your spirits.
What a beautiful way to use such a talent.
That’s lovely. I will be sure to check out her site myself.
Ooof. There is nothing like such spontaneous, generous kindness to make your heart ache as you smile. I love this. I’m so glad.
What a beautiful gesture. And a lovely story to read first thing this morning.
Wow that is just beautiful. All of it.
What a beautiful way to use such a talent.
She must be very special, indeed.
I saw the “I Miss Your Beautiful Face” and it took my breath away, as it did again in this moment. I miss her beautiful little face too. Christina has a beautiful talent and I am going to go to Heart Box Studio and look at all of it right now.
This is just what I needed to read just now. Thank you.