McKenna has reached full-on American Girl obsession. She went from having no interest in them to wanting all of the American Girl® dolls and all of their accessories. She just needs parents with a much larger bank account to make her dreams come true.
Her first major request was the McKenna doll because how could I not have known four years ago that she would want the doll in the future? And how could I not have bought it when it was available for less than $400 on Ebay?
Of course, McKenna’s birthday was less than a month from the beginning of her American Girl obsession so that put my shopping (and searching for deals) into overdrive. Since I was motivated by my little girl, her pleas for a retired doll and a desperate need not to spend $500 on a birthday gift, I found quite a few ways to save money on American Girl dolls and accessories.
Facebook groups
Did you know these exist? I had no idea there were Facebook groups devoted to selling and reselling American Girl dolls and their accessories. The best I’ve found are “American Girl Doll Obsessed BST” and “Amer Girl Doll Online BST.” If you search for them on Facebook they should be easy to find. Group members post an insane amount of things for sale and whenever I’m looking for something specific I search there first.
I don’t always catch American Girl deals at Costco but around the holidays they usually stock up. This year you can get a few choice dolls (we saw Kit and Samantha on our last trip) with an outfit and book for less than the retail price of one doll.
GirlAgain Boutique
This is my FAVORITE way to save on American Girl dolls. GirlAgain Boutique is a non-profit founded to empower young women with autism. They take in used dolls, furniture and accessories and restore them to their original glory. They are great to work with and with one call they found a retired doll my daughter wanted and mailed it to me with an extra outfit and a book and, my favorite detail, it was not overpriced because it was retired.
The best part is their proceeds go to Yes She Can Inc., “a nonprofit organization that teaches and develops job skills for young women with autism.”
While their dolls are not offered on sale now you can use your Kohls Cash on them so a regular priced doll minus your Kohls Cash equals a lower priced doll than you will find in most retail stores.
AG Rewards®
We enrolled in the official reward program through the American Girl stores when my daughter first became interested in the dolls and it has definitely paid off. Everything is so pricey in the stores that your rewards stack up quickly. Make sure you apply your rewards if you ever head to the American Girl restaurant too, one trip there earned us lots of points!
Happy shopping!
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