At 25 degrees below my beach comfort zone, we trucked to the shoreline, our first afternoon on Lake Michigan not to be spent without sand.
The kids squealed as we took off their shoes and rolled up their pant legs “just in case.”
Parker took off full blast, laughing down to his knobby knees as waves drenched the rolls of his pants. The other kids danced around the water, debating caution and excitement but Parker ran at the shoreline full-speed, falling in the sand with laughter and getting back up to do it again.
I have never been one for adventure. You could not have lured me towards that cold water with wine or chocolate or chocolate wine. I freaked a little as my dare devil moved too far from shore and heard my mom-voice squawk at him to get over here for a chat about the waves and the wind and his little self.
Somewhere in the giggles of it all, in the joy of sand covered, water-weighted pants, I had a this-kid-is-trying-to-teach-me-something moment and I didn’t argue with it.
Life is soaring through his little body, the lightening bolt of it keeping him warm.
I stopped counting the spare sets of clothes I had packed and the amount of seconds until frostbite could set in. I gave in to his contagious laughter and let his energy barrel me over, wet sand and all.
Once teeth were chattering and lips were bluing we headed inside. I wrapped my little man burrito-style and he stilled for a rare few seconds in my arms.
I didn’t say a single I-told-you-so about his shivering state. He won’t remember the cold or the long whining walk back, he’ll remember the sun peaking through just enough and his feet in the sand and the giant-est wave he jumped and maybe even that minute on my lap.
He’s living this life just right.
I’m over at Childswork today talking about how to have a good relationship with your child’s school district, would love to hear your thoughts.
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Oh wow, girl.
This is stunning. And maybe just what I needed to read today.
Thank you, that means so much coming from you. xo
Gorgeous shots and I have to say I agree with him, I adore the beach all year round. I am glad you came to enjoy it as well.
I could absolutely live at the beach. It’s amazing there.
Awwwww, such beauty in these photographs, on your children’s faces, and in the memories you created that day. Thank you for sharing. XOXO
I think one of my favorite aspects of parenthood are these kind of moments. The moments that our kids remind us what life and living are REALLY about. Everything in our logical thinking tells us to “stay away” and be cautious. But your little boy? He reminded you…and all of us reading this…that life is too short to be too cautious all the time. Beautiful.
I love this post and you captured Parker’s zest for life just right. The moment does soar through his little body and the rest of us “cautious” ones get to soak up his joy. Love, just love.
Beautiful, Jessica. I love the photos and the sentiments.
I love this post, as well as that last photo. Gorgeous!
Yes! They live in the moment so, so well. And they’re able to do that because your arms are always waiting there with a warm towel.
This just about had me sobbing. Definitely huge, bulging tears in my eyes. I’m so proud of you for letting the moment happen. For being completely present. You are such an inspiration to me in this life of mommyhood.
Maybe he’ll be one of those guys some day who does the Polar Bear swim.
And aren’t they always teaching us? Amazing.
That last photo is amazing too.
The stuff we learn from our kids!!
This post is beautiful. I love how children teach us lessons that we might not know we need.
It’s amazing how they have the ability to do that to us! I’m so glad you were able to capture this moment.
Those kids have such a way of snapping us out of ourselves don’t they.
Oh, this was exquisite.
I love that you caught the moment IN the moment. One of many reasons why you are an exceptional mother.
And that boy of yours? Yes, just right.