I recently connected with a new preemie mom through Instagram.
Her twins suffered from twin to twin transfusion and, born severely premature, one has passed away while the other fights for life in the NICU.
It is times like these, seeing pictures of the monitors and the tubes and those little eyes, born far too early to have a color, that I am brought back to how truly life-altering the NICU experience is.
I see my own micro-preemies in the eyes of her survivor and wish there was more I could do than will her to live through photographs and messages of hope.
Saturday is World Prematurity Awareness Day and this new little preemie who is fighting for life reminds me how far my own children have come but also how far we, as a community, need to go.
I have a heart full of preemies, some who survived and one who did not.
Some day I hope there isn’t a single mother out there willing her tiny baby to live or deciding between a casket or an urn.
I want there to be medical advancements, miracles and a world full of chubby, pink full term babies.
Natalie of Mommy of a Monster and Twins and I are partnering to bring more awareness to the triumphs and the struggles of preemie families.
If you have experience premature birth, tell us your story and link up this weekend.
For every blog post linked up, the amazing people at Artkive will donate $1 to March of Dimes and our latest sponsor, Clomid and Cabernet will donate $1 as well!
We hope you will join us, in my home, there is no more worthy cause.
Many thanks to Artkive, the makers of a cool new app that stores your children’s artwork,
and to Clomid and Cabernet, an amazing support network for families struggling through infertility.

P.S. If you are a business owner or just a giver, Natalie and I would welcome even more matching donations. Contact either Natalie or I for details.
And…. believe it or not, I have the best news… I could not be more honored to be among the writing staff at Still Standing Magazine, my first piece makes it debut today. Craziness. Did I mention I’m honored?
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I’m one of the fortunate moms. All four of my preemies did so well and I feel so very, very blessed especially knowing how many moms like you who go through such terrible loss.
My heart just aches for you.
Very glad to link up and help the cause.
Thank you so much for doing this Jessica! I hope you get a lot of money for MOD!!!!
I am so glad to have heard about this! I know how scary my own story was and it was mild compared to others I have heard.
Hope that you will link up with us tomorrow or any time this coming week.
Can’t wait to link up!
I am so glad that you are the strong voice behind this cause. You’re helping so many babes out there. More than you know.
Fabulous! I’ll link up. Thanks so much for doing this.
We fight so they don’t have to. I will absolutely join in the fight this weekend. And really – every day of our lives.
What a beautiful idea!