Ashlyn volunteers at the hospital where my mom works. She is a regular there, her friends generally other volunteers, 60 years or so her senior. If you were to walk into the lunchroom when she is sitting with her fellow volunteers, she would glare at you as most teenagers do when you shout “I love you” from your minivan window at school drop off.
There are very few employes left who have not met her or had the chance to return the smile she wears when walking the halls. She knows many of my mom’s coworkers far better than I ever will. They love her spirit, she loves their company.
Not long ago a dear friend and coworker of my mom’s retired. Soon after her retirement she was diagnosed with cancer and tomorrow she will begin an aggressive round of treatment.
Over the weekend this sweet woman found out that we had been searching for airfare to California. Ashlyn will be 18 this summer (18!) and I would love to travel with her like we used to when it was just the two of us and visit her uncle who moved to San Francisco last year.
My mom and my daughter’s friend, offered her years of frequent flyer miles. She wouldn’t be using them, she explained, with the treatments and her prognosis. Nothing would make her happier.
I am not in the habit of taking. Saying yes to this gift feels strange, but necessary.
Ashlyn has worked hard, so hard, to just be. To be three then ten then 14 and every age in between them all until now. To know she warmed the heart of someone enough for them to offer such a generous gift seems so full circle to me I’m not sure I can even put it into words.
When Ashlyn was diagnosed with autism, the medical research told me that she may not express emotion or show affection or love back as much as she is loved.
She jumped up and down at my side as I searched for flights tonight and came back to my room twice to tell me she loved me before bed and if I tiptoe in there right now she’s probably smiling in her sleep.
My daughter and one of the amazing friends she has met along the way, are sending us off to celebrate the end of her childhood.
A trip we will never forget, because of how we got there.
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julie gardner says
Oh my goodness.
Sweet Ashlyn.
She is going to fly because of someone else’s generosity.
And because Ashlyn made someone care that much.
And because YOU have already given her the wings.
Tayarra says
Gosh, I could full out ugly cry. You’ve done so well, momma and so has she!
Jennifer says
This warms my heart.
Arnebya says
This makes me smile because it’s a testament to Ashlyn and to you for how you’ve raised her. Her kind spirit and nature speak to people because of you. Sure it’s partly inherent, but you did this. You made her this person that people cherish.
Jessica says
You are so sweet Arnebya. It’s amazing to see the world through her eyes and also to know that others think so much of her.
Kathy at kissing the frog says
Your last line – perfection. Enjoy your time with Ashlyn! You both deserve it!
Kimberly says
What a beautiful beautiful gift…more than just that…xo
tracy@sellabitmum says
Oh my word – so beautiful. So amazing. Enjoy your trip!
Jenni & Andy says
Neat, neat story. Can’t wait to hear about the trip!
tara pohlkotte says
love this. yes. GO! take these moments, these gifts. she deserves this, you deserve this moment with her. to celebrate the long road to this moment. that long, and messy, and glorious road leading to this moment. so proud of the way you mama, the way you love. such an honor to know you.
Anna says
Sweet! That must have been such a lovely experience! I am so glad about that, children with autism still can express their feelings, but in a very special way. You must have really sensitive sensors for that;)
Anna says
So sweet! That must have been such a lovely experience! I am so glad about that, children with autism still can express their feelings, but in a very special way. You must have really sensitive sensors for that;)
angela says
I’m so happy you two will be able to do that!
Kim@Co-Pilot Mom says
This is so touching – what a wonderful gift.
Making It Work Mom says
What a wonderful gift. And honestly it wasn’t your gift to turn down it was a gift for Ashlyn. And by accepting the gift graciously you have made two people who deserve every happiness very happy!
Have a wonderful time on your trip!
Lisa says
I am so excited for you and your daughter! What a wonderful friend she has…and what a terrific experience to mark the beginning of adulthood.
Bethany says
Jessica, this touches my heart. What a beautiful gesture on the part of your Mom’s friend. Your writing moves me. Always.
Charity says
I was given tickets to Veggie Takes Live for my girls. I could not afford them. It is a huge gift. I hear you.
Charity says
I was given tickets to Veggie Takes Live for my girls. I could not afford them. It is a huge gift. I hear you.