Mindless reality television paired with a glass of wine is my favorite way to wind down from the day because what better way to forget your own Crazy than to watch someone else’s?
So when this new show “Ready for Love” came out I settled in with my wine and twitter, expecting to fill the void The Bachelor has left until the next group of 25 people who have obviously never watched the show hold a weekly cat-fight for roses.
Instead of sitting back and enjoying this new mind-emptying show, I found myself yelling at the television like my husband watching his fantasy football team go up in flames.
In case you didn’t waste over an hour of your life Tuesday night, the quick version is that “Ready for Love” uses matchmakers to find eligible women for a selected bachelor who just happens to be famous. Fine, The Bachelor plus matchmakers and a live audience. Oh and the girls/contestants arrive on the stage through boxes that come up through the floor. I know, losing me already.
Anyway, here’s where my yelling began. The matchmakers were telling these women how to act but not just “cross your legs when wearing a skirt” or “don’t get sloppy-drunk on the first date” they were telling them how to make this guy like them. They were telling them to change who they are to get the guy.
So really this show should be banned for all females who haven’t figured out who they are yet because you are not the man you want to marry. You are who you are and what you like and the person you see in the mirror, not the one someone else wants you to be.
When my husband and I were dating we once threw a football around at the park. Not having an athletic bone in my body, he showed my how to hold the ball, throw it, etc., etc. It was fun to do something different with him and share his interest but I had to pick that ball up off the ground every time I didn’t catch it and the ground was dirty and that was when I still had time to do my nails and, gross. Was it time to get a coffee yet?
Our relationship works because I bury myself in a book while he watches the History Channel and edit his sentences when he struggles through writing a paper. And because he goes with a friend to see a sci-fi movie but saves comedies for our date nights. We have more differences than similarities when it comes to what we like to do but we agree on the things that count.
I got the guy without ever throwing another football, until the ones I sort of toss to my sons as long as they dig them out of the mud.
Young women spend way too much time trying to be liked/loved/appreciated/taken seriously, and we don’t need a show to tell our girls this is how it should be.
So if you catch previews of next week’s “Ready for Love” and see someone rush the stage and try to shake these girls out of their boxes and tell them they are so much more than what someone else wants…
it wasn’t me.
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Unique perspective. Thanks for doing such a good job. I will check again to find out more and inform my friends about you.
You know how much I love The Bachelor! By the way, The Bachelorette starts in May! Not too far away! I am just like you. I like my trash tv and a glass of vino. I did not catch this show but saw the preview. Now I will def pass!
Totally agree! Being able to be ME is one of the reasons I fell in love with my husband. To be able to just relax and to sometimes even enjoying the silence.
Oh, those poor young girls.
Reason #382 why I know this, my 3rd marriage, will work: I am so far removed from those insecure girls trying to figure out who they are. I know who I am, and I know who HE is. And we love each other as we are, and embrace our differences. (Currently, I’m playing online while he watches corny old 40’s movies.)
I’m a reality show whore but I do not watch the “finding love” ones…because it’s stupid. We all know that it never works out…that people get weird and clingy…I can’t stand the hookers on there…jeesh.
I started watching this show but had to change the channel. I can’t stomach The Bachelor and this was just too much.
I am much more a Brett Michaels Rock of Love kinda girl. 😉
Yes. Just yes.
Yes! A resounding, wholehearted yes to this post.
“We have more differences than similarities when it comes to what we like to do but we agree on the things that count.”…This is how I would describe me and my husband.
I’m with you on everything you’ve written here. I still can’t believe these kinds of shows exist or that women would choose to do something like this. I just don’t get it.
Ummm…they come to the stage in boxes?! What the what?!
Can you turn this into required reading for every middle/high school girl? Maybe turn it into an entire class? Love every word.
AMEN. One of the ways I knew my husband was the one was the fact that I never, ever had to try to be anything different to impress him. It was so effortless.
I used to be an addict, but I haven’t watched any reality shows a year now. And I try to spend some more time outdoors. Believe me, it feels pretty much better;)
Oh yes. I want Cady (and James too) to have someone in their lives who loves them for exactly how they are. Besides me.
I keep thinking the same, I wish my kids would not grow up seeing things like this and I plan to remind McKenna a million times over that she is perfect just the way she is whether a boy likes her or not.
I have this on my DVR to watch later. I think I’ll go home and delete, because this would make me lose my mind!
Amen sista! I am so disgusted with reality tv and all the crap they are constantly saying about “love” and “relationships.” I will keep watching the Bachelor–just because its fun to make fun of and its such a joke now, but I refuse to wade through any of the other crap out there.
At the very least, they should require a disclaimer. I disagree though that it’s not realistic because I totally came out of the floor when I met my husband.
I figured you did, what’s that brunette Barbie’s name with the great hair?