I planned a late evening of writing tonight. After the kids were in bed and Mark was home I would pour a glass of wine and really write until the words swirling in my head emptied out a bit.
Because I had grand plans, it is now well past bedtime and I am balancing my laptop aside a five year-old trying to sound of the word T-O-R-N-A-D-O that flashes in front of the word W-A-R-N-I-N-G on our television screen while my husband searches the iPad for a compromise between Batman and Barbie and I talk my teenager down from the disappointment that her soccer season is over. I can’t remember any of the words I had big plans for or what those plans even were. Maybe I will remember them tomorrow or maybe the next little thing will fall on top of the next big thing and roll away with my day once again and one of these days we will all talk about that night everyone stayed up really really late just in case a tornado came by our new house (but it didn’t touch our house because tornadoes don’t come to new houses).
Lucky for my brain, I was able to get a few words out earlier at Still Standing Magazine about talking children through their grief and also at Mamalode where they shared the piece that has always been closest to my heart on their brand new, shiny site.
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Lanie says
I hope that you are all safe and sound. So glad to see another post today b/c that probably means that all is well. And, you found some time to write :-). xo
sarah reinhart says
Happens all too frequently here. The writing. Best intentions to sit down and empty my brain out onto the screen. Then sift. Then organize. Then rework. Then nod and smile. Then feel…better. Alas, life and children find a way to need me then too 🙂 And absolutely not! Tornadoes do not DO NOT visit new houses. It’s a rule. Glad you are safe. xo.
Kimberly says
We’re not that far from you and had the same thing. It’s scary especially after a tragedy.
I’m glad you’re safe.
My flowers didn’t survive.
Bad Parenting Moments says
Life always has a way of sneaking in and changing our plans. It was a beautiful post even if not what you planned. So happy your home and family are safe and untouched!