I have spent a lot of time thinking about the “what if’s” in life. Probably too much time. With each challenge life has brought I have wondered “what if.”
What if my daughter didn’t have to struggle with autism?
What if all three of my triplets survived?
What if my pregnancies were easy and full term? Would I have ten children by now?
All of my what if-ing has always led me to one question…
If I could go back in time would I change anything? Would I do anything differently?
I think that is why, even though I prefer a good book to a movie any day, I cannot wait to see the movie “About Time” when it comes out in a few weeks.
The trailer gave me goosebumps on top of goosebumps as I caught a glimpse of this beautifully crafted story with the underlying theme of the tug of war so many of us have with life.
Even though things don’t always turn out just as we want them to would we go back and change them? Would we wish for a different outcome?
I can’t wait to follow the journey of Tim Lake (played by Domhnall Gleeson) as he goes back in time to try to craft the perfect life for himself. I don’t know the ending but I have a feeling he will discover the same thing that the trials in my life have taught me: no matter how difficult the story is to live, I wouldn’t trade the journey for anything.
You can view the trailer for “About Time” here and follow all the buzz surrounding this soon-to-be released film on Twitter and on Facebook. You can also meet me at the theater November 1, 2013 for the premiere (starts everywhere November 8), I’ll be the one with a bucket of popcorn and a carton of Kleenex.
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of SheKnows, all opinions and overly-emotional sentiments are my own.
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I absolutely cannot wait for this movie. Rachel McAdams really is a doll, isn’t she?
I imagine I’ll need some Kleenex.
I think about what ifs all the time and love movies like this. Have you seen Sliding Doors with Gwenyth Paltrow? I always think of that. What would be my moments that if I had made a different decision my whole life would be different. I have three. And it’s just so fascinating to think about!
I had no idea that was the premise of the movie, now I have to check it out!
Do you know, I was just talking about you to my friend here in France, saying how brave you are. You didn’t just “accept” what’s been given you, you forged ahead bravely and created a beautiful life for your family. (Whether or not the what ifs haunted you).
This movie does look really good!
Really? I feel so honored that you were talking about me, let alone saying such nice things. I don’t always feel like I’m forging ahead bravely so I thank you for saying that. xo
Gah every movie that she is in makes me want to cry and eat lots of food in order to comfort my sadness yet, hey you taught me something that I need to pay attention too…right after I eat my weight in this box of donuts.
I often think about these things, especially when I’m overwhelmed with life as I know it.
I see other comments, and I loved Sliding Doors, too.
Oh my word. Tears indeed. I feel like sometimes I live in this space of the what if’s….and then my girlfriend said something to me that shifted so much for me. She said, “Chrissy, what if every decision you ever made was the right decision?” It always brings me back to the now. To the place of gratitude and presence. This has date night all over it. XO
Thank you for sharing this! It sounds so awesome and I look forward to seeing it. I have heard bits and pieces about the movie, but didn’t realize that is the premise. I loved Sliding Doors and Groundhog Day, as others have mentioned. Though I often day dream about those “what its,” like you I always come back to the same conclusion.
Here’s a link to a review that I wrote (long after the movie came out) about Sliding Doors for Exhale Literary Magazine: http://exhaleliterarymagazine.stillstandingmag.com/2012/08/kathy-benson-reviewssliding-doors-movie/
I loved the Gwyneth movie and also Ground hog Day. But Groundhog Day was my favorite, because in trying to change life, he actually became the best him, through kindness, not talent or money, and it was endearingly sincere. This one looks awesome.
Ahh, the what ifs . . .I do it ALL the time! This movie is such an interesting concept. If you could go back, how much would that screw up what you have now? I definitely want to see this.
Did you see Sliding Doors a bunch of years ago? It was also a what if movie. It is the same storyline told twice – once Gwyneth Paltrow catches a train and comes home to find her husband in bed with someone else. The other time, she misses the train and never finds out about the affair. I want to see About Time too!
I want to see it so badly!! I can’t stop thinking about it. I love Bill Nighy and I love “Love Actually” and “Four Weddings and a Funeral.” And I’m obsessed with time travel. I feel like this movie can’t lose for me.