I have a confession.
I like getting older.
Like, have been waiting for it, will never complain about a birthday, like it.
I became a mom very young and I spent years envying moms who were older than me, moms who were “supposed to be” moms.
I envied how they knew exactly what they needed at the grocery store, how a waitress would look to them to rattle off the orders of the children filling a noisy table, how they were regarded in public, called Mrs. or Ma’am more often than Sweetie or Honey.
Many years later, although I can’t say I’m a fan of “Ma’am” I appreciate every bit of the respect that comes with age.
I am happy to not be dating or apartment hunting or job surfing. I’m content to cuddle up to a good book on a Friday night and order take out and a movie with my husband on a Saturday.
My make up routine has changed quite a bit as I’ve aged and I’ve learned there are things I can absolutely not do without, like getting ALL my make up off every single night. Gone are the days of being able to wake up in the morning with yesterday’s mascara still on and not pay for it.
I had the opportunity to try the AVEENO® POSITIVELY RADIANT MAKE UP REMOVING WIPES and I’ve quickly added them to my daily routine. My favorite part about them is they actually save me time. Less time at the bathroom mirror means a reduction in the amount of “Mommy are you in there?” calls through the bathroom door.
Laugh lines and crow’s feet and the deflating of, um, everything, have taken me by surprise but I’m okay with it. I’m adapting and finding new beauty tricks and taking pride in the two whole minutes I can shave off my routine when I find something new I love.
Sometimes I wonder if women realize the confidence they exude as they age, the presence a younger me could not wait to gain. They choose their beauty products and their anti-aging creams and they do it with conviction because they know what they’re doing and no one ten years younger is going to saunter up and tell them different.
I have to admit, I cringe a little when women wish away birthdays because we’ve earned them… every single candle.
One of these days when I have enough for a blowtorch to light, I hope to be surrounded by women who want to live to be 100 too. I’ll be wishing for another lifetime supply of my favorite beauty products and for an extra cake, with extra icing because I’m eating the whole thing, all by myself.
I’ll be long over the loss of my bikini bod by then.
Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Aveeno through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was compensated to write a post about Aveeno all opinions are my own.
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One thing I learned the hard way, at the age of 34, is that every birthday is a gift. Ever since then, I also love getting older. It means I was given another 365 days of life. I agree with you, Jess.