It took a decent amount of bribery and half of December but I talked Ashlyn into making another excellent gift guide for people with autism. Her first one was a hit and I’ve been trying to get her to do another ever since. Two years later we’ve got a new list that’s just as great as her first one.
Here’s Ashlyn’s picks for this year and why she thinks they are great gift ideas for that person you love with autism (in her own words).
Cosmic Ray Wand Fidget
This is good because it helps you relax and keeps your mind busy.
Vibrating pillow
I want one of these because I think it calms people down and it would be easy to take places with me.
Slo-Mo Bumpy Balls
These are good because they keep your hands busy and your mind occupied.
Squeeze Machine and Massager for Feet
Being squeezed gives you comfort so this would be good to squeeze your feet.
100 Ball Pool Balls
Who doesn’t like a ball pit?
Large Bean Bag
I had a bean bag when I was little and this is a good one for when you are big. It makes you feel secure.
Jelly Beadz
These are good because people with autism and people without autism can play them together.
Roylco Animal X-Rays
If you really like animals you can look at these for something new to look at.
Kinetic Sand kit
I love putting my hands in kinetic sand and playing with it and note to parents it does not make a mess.
Chew Stixx Pencil Toppers
You can chew on the end of your pencils and it’s okay if you have these then you can chew on them.
Light and Sound Buzzers
You can have something to push and something to keep your hands busy.
Soundproof Earmuffs
These are really good to block out the noise.
I hope I made your holiday shopping easier. Tell me in the comments if you have any other ideas for my list. —– Ashlyn
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What a great list! I have an Autism program at a middle school, and I would add a few items to your list that my school kids really like:
1. Pin art
2. Magformer
3. Oil glass timer×600/f2/albu/g2/M00/14/C7/rBVaGlRSQJOAK0cCAAG_aK_h_Kw200.jpg
If you need more ideas, let me know! I certainly have experience with various toys/fidgets that can help.
You are so generous to take the time to make this list.
I am terrible at coming up with good gift ideas so this post is very helpful!
(I might want a foot massager for myself, too. Shhhhh.)
Smart! Thank you, Ashlyn! My son would love so many of these things. Appreciate your help!
Thank you for taking the time to make this list, Ashlyn!
“Who doesn’t like a ball pit?” Indeed!! 🙂 A few great ideas for Slim on here. Thanks Ashlyn!
Ashlyn, thanks for doing this. My daughter might like that vibrating pillow! My grandson, who is just two, just loves things that light up and he would have fun with the cosmic ray light bulb. I appreciate the ideas.
thank you, ashlyn! what a fantastic, helpful list. passing it to my family now! 🙂